Page 23 - Greet Hwy 68 Loop 07.24
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                                                       “FIGHT FOR

 C ONGR A T U L A T I ON S                         YOU OPTIMISTIC
                                                     WHAT MAKES
 graduates                                            WORLD. FIND

                                                       ABOUT THE

                                                    IT, INSIST ON IT,

                                                    DIG INTO IT, GO

                                                        AFTER IT!”

 While looking for something to inspire our               - JENNIFER GARNER
 Graduating Class of 2024, I found the quote
 attributed to actress, Jennifer Garner. Not only is her   Tallula Borman
 advice sound for grads, but it’s wisdom for everyone.   Graduating School: Salinas
 Find your passion, make the world a better place,   High School
 and don’t settle for less! Congratulations to our Loop   Activities: Tallula was a multi-sport
 community grads, you’ve earned every single tassel   athlete when she started her high
 on your mortar board; savor the moment, celebrate,   school career during Covid. She found
                                                  her groove and excelled in cross
 and know that you make us proud!
                                                  country and track.
                                                  Future Plans: Tallula will be attending
                                                  UC Santa Barbara in the fall as a   Alexis Busch
 PROUD FAMILIES!                                  Political Science major.          Graduating School: Salinas High School
                                                  Proud Family: parents, Lesley and   Honors: National Honor Society,
                                                  Mark, and big bro and sis, Bohdi and   California Scholarship Federation,
                                                  Bella of San Benancio.            consistent 4.0+ GPA throughout
                                                                                    high school
               Aerie Akeny                                                          Activities: Girl’s Varsity Lacrosse, Swim
               Promoting School: San Benancio                                       Team and Water Polo. Member of San
               Middle School                                                        Benancio 4-H and Salinas FFA. When
               Hobbies: Aerie has become a Rubik                                    she is not in school or at an activity, she
               Cube Master and loves to perfect his                                 works at three different jobs: Salinas
               solves and algorithms. Looking at how                                YMCA, Corral de Tierra Country Club
               he solves is like magic at work.                                     and Ace Hardware.
               Future Plans: Aerie will be attending                                Future Plans: Alexis will attend San
               Salinas High in the fall.                                            Diego State University in the fall and
               Proud Family: Mother, Priscilla Du                                   pursue a degree in Biology.
               and sister, Acacia Akeny, and old cat                                Proud Family: Patty and Paco,
               sister, Her Highness Princess the Big                                and Jack of Corral de Tierra,
               Foot of San Benancio.                                                grandparents, aunts, uncles, and
                                                                                    cousins. Our family is very proud of
                                                                                    her accomplishments at Salinas High
                                                                                    School, her time-management skills,
                                                                                    and her determination to succeed at
                                                                                    anything she puts her mind to. We
                                                                                    love you, Alexis!

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