Page 27 - Greet Hwy 68 Loop 07.24
P. 27

Olivia Suarez
                                                               Graduating School:
                                                               Notre Dame
                                                               High School
                                                               Honors: Olivia is a Life
                                                               Member of California
                                                               Scholarship Federation,
                                                               and the National Honor
                                                               Society; she maintained
                                                               a 4.9 GPA.
                                                               Activities: She’s a
                                                               triple threat athlete
                                                               for three years, playing
               Elsa Schlegel                                   Basketball, Volleyball,
               Graduating School: Notre Dame High School.      and Lacrosse. She got
               Honors: Elsa is a CSF Life Member and was nominated   the MVP in Lacrosse in
               for the National Honor Society.                 2024, and the Tri-Athlete award.
 Gianna Simone Nale  Catherine Pozas  Activities: Varsity basketball in which she was named to   Future Plans: Olivia will be attending Carroll College with a
 Graduating School: Juris Doctor from   Graduating School: Salinas High School  the senior all-star team; Varsity soccer; Varsity lacrosse;   Presidential Scholarship and direct entry into the Nursing
 Northeastern University, School of Law   Activities: Catherine played soccer, golf and   and Sophomore class president. She was also part of the   program where she intends to pursue a career in nursing.
 Future Plans: Gianna will be taking the   was in FFA.  National Charity League of the Monterey Bay. On top of   Proud Family: parents, Jerry and Lily of San Benancio; siblings
 Massachusetts Bar Exam in July and will be   Future Plans: Catherine will be attending   that she held a part time job!  Gabriel, Dez, Isaac, Amairani, JJ, Samantha, and Elijah; Uncle/
 joining a law firm in Boston.  Oklahoma State University this fall.  Future Plans: This fall, Elsa will attend the School   Godfather Patrick Lynn, and Grandparents: Lalo and Ana Suarez.
 Proud Family: The Pacioni family in the   Proud Family: parents, Rick and Cheree, and   of Business Administration at Gonzaga University
 Corral de Tierra Meadows.  sisters, Chandler, Isabel, and Libby Pozas of   concentrating on Entrepreneurship and Innovation   If you would like to be featured as a Young Achiever or know someone who is
 Las Palmas I.  (GO ZAGS!)                                     perfect for this spot, contact or call 272-4620.
               Proud Family: parents, Tom and Mariedel (“Del”)
               Schlegel, older brothers, Andrew and PJ of Las Palmas II.

                                                                         Next Step  U

                                                                      Services:   High School Course Planning
                                                                                  Summer Programs and Activities
                                                                                  Developing a Resumé
                                                                                  Interest Inventory
                                                                                  Testing Schedule and Strategy
                                                                                  Letter of Recommendation Guidance
                                                                                  Career Assessment
                                                                                  College Major Selection
                                                                                  Development of College List
                                                                                  Application Work and Timeline
                                                                                  Individual Essay Development and Editing
                                                                                  UC PIQS
                                                                                  Interview Preparation
                                                                                  Final Submission of College Applications and Strategies
 Chelsea Olvera   Mahi Shah                                                       Review of College Acceptances
 Graduating School: Chelsea earned her   Tessa Rava  Graduating School: Notre Dame High School  Transition From High School To College
 bachelor’s degree from San Diego    Graduating School: Stevenson High School  Honors: Inaugural Monterey County Youth Poet
 State University with a major in   Honors: multiple awards in art & photography.  Laureate, Notre Dame Valedictorian
 Interdisciplinary Studies.   Activities: Tessa lettered in track and was   Activities: Girls Varsity Swim, NHS Secretary, Yearbook
 Future Plans: She continues her   team captain; 4-H Club officer.  Co-Editor in Chief, volunteer at John Steinbeck Library  Linda Jang
 higher education and will soon obtain   Future Plans: Attending the University of   Future Plans: Mahi will be continuing her education as a   UCLA Certificate of College Counseling
 her teaching credential to become an   St. Andrews, Scotland in the fall where she’ll   student studying Mechanical Engineering at Santa Clara   Member of WACAC, HECA, and IECA Associate
 elementary school teacher.   major in Art History and Spanish Language.  University as a Presidential Scholar.
 Proud Family: with love from the Olvera   Proud Family: Parents Jerry and Natalie, and   Proud Family: with love from Mom and Dad, Tanvi and
 family of Carmel Valley.  sisters Ava and Bella of Pasadera.   Ashish, and Foram of Creekbridge.  831.601.9137

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