Page 29 - Greet Hwy 68 Loop 07.24
P. 29


 The combination of the egg   two sides of one pan with
 yolks and absence of any   parchment paper, buttering
 leavener is key to getting   the exposed parts.
 the densest and fudgiest   2. Melt the butter in a      
 	             	      
 bake, while the melted   small saucepan, stirring
 butter and dark brown sugar   occasionally, until it      
         
 give these a hint of caramel.   becomes toasty and
 And of course, I always   browned. Pour into a large
 need chocolate somewhere!   mixing bowl and whisk in the
 If all of that isn’t enough to   brown sugar until smooth.               
 entice you, these Blondies   Let sit until it becomes
 are so easy and quick to   lukewarm, then whisk in
 bake that you’ll be reaching   eggs, vanilla, and sea salt.                    
 for this recipe for your next   3. Stir in the flour and
 summer barbecue, or simply   chocolate chips, pour batter
 just because!  into the baking pan and bake
 for 20-25 minutes.
 BROWN BUTTER   • 1 cup butter, melted  Lauren is our Toro Park
 resident foodie. She loves
 • 2 cups dark brown sugar
 CHOCOLATE   • 2 eggs, plus two egg yolks  to cook for her family and   NEW THIS MO NTH
 friends using only “good
 • 4 tsp vanilla extract
 food” as her ingredients. She
 • 2 tsp salt
 CHIP BLONDIES  • 2 cups flour (if you’re   hopes you enjoy preparing   PRINT IS STILL ALIVE.
 her favorite recipes.
 prefer a deeper, nuttier
 flavor, try substituting the
 regular flour for rye)             Celebrating two decades of print   Michele Henderson
                                      excellence, now 800 niche
 This recipe was created by taking the   • 4 cups semisweet or   magazines strong (and counting).  REALTOR® & U.S. Navy Veteran
 ingredients and techniques I love from   milk chocolate chips   (831) 277-9022
 other recipes along the way, and combining   DIRECTIONS
 them to make the richest and most   1. Heat oven to 350°F.
 indulgent blondies I can find.   Butter an 9x13 inch baking     LICENSE NUMBER #01498609
 pan or line the bottom and                                      312 West Carmel Valley Rd,
                                                                 Carmel Valley, CA 93924

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 Allison Barrientos, CFP®, CPA  Mike Leavy, CFA  Kevin Mahoney, CFP®, CIMA

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