Page 40 - Greet Hwy 68 Loop 07.24
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BETTER THAN EVER                                                                                                                       FAQ’S
                                                                       ART IN THE                                                                     JULY = FIREWORKS, AND

                                                               PASTURES                         Local Artist                                                  DEFENSIBLE SPACE

                                                                BY DOUG BROWN,   OF HEAVEN
                                                                SAN BENANCIO
                                                                                                                                                            Monterey County Regional Fire District

                                                                 Local artist, Gerard Martin,
                                                                 was apparently born to be an                                                            Greetings from Monterey County Regional Fire District. We appreciate
                                                                 artist. His peers noticed his                                                           the opportunity to share some helpful information here. July is often
                                                                 art talent as early as fourth                                                           recognized for hosting one of the most celebrated summer holidays —
                                                                 grade. By high school, it was                                                           the Fourth of July! It’s a great time to gather with friends and family to
                                                                 obvious to Gerard that he had                                                          enjoy the beauty of our area and to be thankful for the freedoms we are
                                                                 artistic talent. He continued
                                                                 to develop that talent, getting                                                                           fortunate to have in this country.
                                                                 further training at the college
                                                                 level. He has studied with                                                                                       BY MATT LUMADUE, MCRFD
                                                                 various artists and taken
                                                                 many workshops.
                                                                    At some point, he was   Gerard Martin
                                                                 volunteering teaching art at Robert Louis Stevenson                         or firefighters, this is a time of   the risk. It is illegal, and the danger of   and ensure there is nothing where
                                                                 School. From there, he was offered a part time job and                      concern as well. We all know   fire is quite real.              flying embers could land and ignite
                                                                 eventually a full-time job. He has now been teaching                    Fthat many people just love their    On a similar note, creating and   items close to the home. Another
                                                                 art at York School for at least 19 years. Gerard does                    fireworks. But we would like to   maintaining good defensible space is a   consideration is to mow, edge, or trim
                                                                 artwork on commission – some for the notable growers                     remind everyone that transportation,   great way to reduce the risk of wildfire   before 10 AM to help prevent fire
                                                                 around our county. He also shows in two local galleries.                 sales, possession, and use of any   spreading to your home. Defensible   issues. Remember to maintain your
                                                                 He likes painting agricultural scenes and specializes in                 fireworks are absolutely prohibited   space can be thought of as a “buffer   tools by keeping them sharp, clean,
                                                                 farm workers. He is also connected with the Carmel Art                   outside of city limits that do allow   zone” created around the outside of   and in good working order, and use the
                                                                 Association. Though not a lucrative living, Gerard makes a               them. The cities of Salinas and   structures and decks that is free of   proper fuel.
                                                                 decent living with his art (so it’s more than a hobby).                  Seaside are two examples of cities   combustible items and vegetation.   For more information, please visit
                                                                    Gerard is a gentle family man with two wonderful                      that do sell the “safe and sane     To establish a defensible space,   our website at, check
                                                                 sons. One has just become a doctor and the other is                      fireworks” through a regulated   start at the edge of structures by   out, or follow
                                                                 headed for medicine. As they were growing up, he was                     process. Even transporting fireworks   removing all dead, dying, dry, or   our social media sites for updated
                                                                 very supportive of them. He served as a coach on their                   outside of the city where they are   diseased vegetation. Work outward   information and safety posts. We
                                                                 sports teams and enjoyed the outdoors with them. He and                  purchased is illegal, and using them   as you create the necessary ‘buffer   perform Defensible Space Inspections
                                                                 his wife enjoy their Toro Park home and take part in many                anywhere else is not only illegal but   zone.’ Clean leaves and needles from   every year to help homeowners
                                                                 local activities. You will enjoy getting to know him at the              also extremely dangerous.        roofs, gutters, stairs, and porches.   understand what is needed and
                                                                 Art In The Pastures of Heaven event coming to Church                        Every year, fires are started by   Remove any branches near chimney   required. Our engine crews have
                                                                 of the Good Shepherd in September.                                       people being careless with fireworks   outlets. Cut grass short, maintain   begun their annual Defensible
                                                                    Gerard’s words of wisdom follow his passion, “You are                 or using them in prohibited areas. If   good separation between bushes and   Space Inspections, so be on the
                                                                 good at what you devote time to. Your passion and your art               you know anyone who likes to light   shrubs, and limb trees up to at least   lookout; they may be coming to your
                                                                 may be second nature, but that passion must periodically                 fireworks where they shouldn’t,   six feet from the ground. Focus on   neighborhood next. Please have a fun
                                                                 be rekindled.” Stop by his table and introduce yourself.                 please let them know it’s not worth   the first five feet from the structure   and safe July!
                                                                 Tell him that you read about him here.

                                                                          Doug Brown is a long-time resident of San
                                                                             Benancio where he lives with his wife,
                                                                              Maria. He’s also a member of the Corral
                                                                              de Tierra Rotary and has spearheaded                                                                      Matt Lumadue is a Fire Prevention Specialist and outreach officer
                                                                              and served on many international                                                                          for the Monterey County Regional District.
                                                                              Rotary projects.
                                                                                                                                                                                        FAQ’s is a great source of accurate information provided to you by the Monterey
                                                                                                                                                                                        County Regional Fire District.
                                                                 Let’s celebrate the great things happening in the community! Contact Laurie.Martin@
                                                        or phone 272-4620.

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