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ROTARY ROUNDUP!                                                                                                          CHAMBER COMMUNITY NEWS

           WHY CAMP                         on those qualities, and give students   event. To describe just how much this                                        Celebrate Summer

                                            the tools to amplify their skills.
                                                                              has changed my perspective on how I
           ROYAL                            knowing very little about what will   live day to day would be an injustice                                       in The Salinas Valley
                                               Students arrive at Lake Sequoia
                                                                              because words cannot describe its
           FOR HIGH                         be asked of them. Camp models life,   feeling. Over six days and five nights,
                                            and is divided into subgroups which
                                                                              I shared meals, joked with, cried
                                                                              with, and grew with a group of fellow
                                            emulate home life, work life, and
           SCHOOL                           leisure or “play” time. They must   campers I may have never otherwise                                         As summer unfolds, the Salinas Valley becomes a hub of exciting
                                                                                                                                                             activities and festive celebrations. From the patriotism of 4th
                                                                              met. Though I do not know if I should
                                            figure issues out themselves by asking
                                                                                                                                                              of July to the vibrant local mixers and thrilling rodeo, there’s
           SENIORS                          the right questions, demanding more   ever have the pleasure of meeting                                                        something for everyone to enjoy.
                                            of each other, failing forward, and
                                                                              them again throughout my life, I can
                                                                              say with certainty they have changed
                                            grappling with their personal issues.
                                               During this process, boundaries   the way I want to live it. Now that                                                                 BY CHAMBER STAFF
                                            are challenged, feelings are hurt,   I have returned to my home I try to
           Every year, an elite group       and occasionally, there are cuts and   be the same person I was back by
           of high school rising senior     scrapes. Counselors are trained   that lake, a better one. A person who                         ndependence Day is a key highlight of the summer   food and wine. This kickoff is an event for people to meet,
           girls and high school rising     to take an intentionally removed   hears more than they speak, and who                        Iseason. Cities come alive with parades, family   network, and enjoy a glass of wine or one of your local brews
           senior boys leave their daily    approach with their students. We   no matter their opinion works to                           gatherings, and spectacular fireworks. Our Chamber   before the main celebration.
           lives behind for six days and    want the students to make mistakes.   understand those they meet and care                     member, TNT® Fireworks, is the largest distributor   To stay up to date on
                                                                                                                                          in the U.S. Thousands of non-profits nationwide use
           take residence on the banks      Ultimately, we want them to succeed.   for them as one human being cares for                  TNT® Fireworks stands as their primary fundraising,   member happenings, visit
           of Lake Sequoia. Students        We call this process “failing forward.”   another. Change is a hard thing to do,              including our local Chamber member educational
           gather along the shores of          We provide the proverbial      but I know that as long as I pursue it,                     institutions and non-profits. Be sure to visit one of our
           Lake Sequoia, disengage          “skeleton” or structure, and they   it is possible. One of the many gifted                    Chamber members having fireworks booths this year.  Keep up with the happenings of the Salinas
           with the outside world, and      fill it in. They form a government   speakers that we heard phrased the                          Also, don’t miss this year’s biggest event on the   Valley Chamber of Commerce on this page!
                                                                              work your club does as “An investment
                                            and establish rules. They establish
           immerse themselves in a          a newspaper and a media team,     in the future”. It is now my goal in                        Central Coast—Celebrate America! On July 4th,
           literal once-in-a-lifetime       delivering a newspaper every      life to make that investment mean                           2024, the Salinas Sports Complex will host the largest
           experience. As per camp          morning. They create sports and   something, and one day, when I can,                         fireworks display in Monterey County. The festivities
           tradition, cell phones are       games involving the entire camp.   invest in the future just as you have                      will kick off at 2 p.m. with carnival games, bouncy
           turned off and collected, and    They organize and create a show and   done. So, thank you for all you have                    houses, a trackless train, and more. There will be
           all communication with the       campfire every night. Effectively,   done and all you will do.                                multiple food trucks, vendors, and a festival stage for
           outside world is halted.         they run camp.                                                                                local entertainers to delight the crowd. To cap off the
                                               What they chose to do or not to                                                            night at 9 p.m., the city will enjoy a 20–25-minute best-
                                            do is on them. As counselors, we are                                                          in-class fireworks display.
           BY GEORGE WYHINNY                                                                                                                 From July 12-14, MotoAmerica Superbike SpeedFest
                                            constantly throwing the ball back
                                            in their court: What are you going                                                            at Monterey is taking place at the iconic WeatherTech
           AT CAMP ROYAL, students have no choice   to do about it? If you’re not getting                                                 Raceway Laguna Seca. This event promises a weekend
           but to engage with their surroundings   the answer you are looking for, ask                                                    packed with high-speed thrills as the nation’s top
           and rely on each other. After 6 days   a better question.They learn the                                                        superbike racers embark on this legendary track.
           pass, many hesitate to turn their   importance of a good handshake,                                                            Whether you’re a motorsport enthusiast or looking
           phones back on and re-engage in their   making eye contact, taking the time to                                                 for an unforgettable experience, the MotoAmerica
           “real world” or, as they would say,   get to know someone, and not relying   With Rotary’s continued                           Superbike SpeedFest is the place to be. The kickoff will
           “IRL” (In Real Life).            on assumptions. When they make a   contribution and support, these 6                          be on Thursday, July 11, in Salinas, with an opportunity
             Camp ROYAL is for students who   mistake, we teach them four steps to   days can alter the trajectory of a                   to meet the riders.
           exemplify leadership and leadership   a proper apology.            student’s life. These 6 days can take                          One of the summer’s most anticipated events is
           potential. To have the privilege    Nothing that I could write     a family from poverty to prosperity,                        the California Rodeo Salinas. This 114th anniversary
           of coming to camp, a teacher or   compares to the words of one of our   make an unsafe community a unified                     features exciting rodeo competitions, lively parades,   Brent Eastman Insurance Services Inc
           counselor needs to nominate the   campers wrote:                   one, and can take a small start-up                          and a festive carnival atmosphere. Whether                 51 Katherine Avenue | Salinas, CA 93901
           student. That student goes through   My name is David Gomez, and   to a game-changing tech company.                            you’re a rodeo fan or looking for family-friendly      
           an application process, a series of   because of the generosity of members   With your continued contribution                  entertainment, the California Rodeo Salinas events          (831) 751-0700 | License #: 0E72648
           interviews, and if qualified, is invited   from the District 5230 Rotary, I was   and support, these 6 days have the           are not to be missed.
           to attend. Once at camp, we hone in   able to attend this year’s Camp Royal   potential to change the world.                      Mark your calendar for July 25 and head to the
                                                                                                                                          California Welcome Center in Salinas for the Salinas             SPECIALIZING IN
                                                                                                                                          Valley Food and Wine Kickoff Mixer. For 13 years, the   Group Health Insurance •  Medicare Products
                                                                                                                                          Salinas Valley Food & Wine Festival has been dedicated
                     Rotarians...share the work that your Club is doing within the community and around the world! Contact or phone 272-4620.                             Life Insurance • Dental & Vision Plans
                                                                                                                                          to increasing the popularity of locally grown and crafted

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