Page 50 - Greet Hwy 68 Loop 07.24
P. 50
INGREDIENTS: California Arts and Sciences Institute 2024
• 1 ounce extra sharp cheddar cheese (you
can also use mild, sharp or white cheddar)
• 1/4 cup salted butter, softened
• 1 cup all-purpose flour Local expert mentoring for students
• 2 tablespoons cold water
1. In a large bowl with an electric hand mixer, stand
mixer, or food processor beat together the butter n July 12th, a free event will take place at the Shared SCIENCE, ECONOMIC AND ART HISTORY MENTORING:
and cheese until softened and combined. OSpaces in the Carmel Barnyard. The event is related This breakout group will consist of middle school, high
2. Add the flour and continue to mix until slightly to the California Arts and Sciences Institute 2024 Student school and college students, who are interested in writing
dry and crumbly. Add water and continue to mix Art Contest, and also addresses next year’s art and an original paper in science, economics or art history. CASI
until combined and the dough comes together. writing contest. The winner of the present contest will mentors are national experts in their scientific and economic
3. Form the dough into 2 balls and wrap each be awarded a cash scholarship of $1500, with second and fields; they will discuss a range of topics of potential
ball in plastic wrap. Let the dough chill in the third place cash scholarships as well. exploration, including flora and fauna of the Central Coast;
refrigerator for at least 1 hour. The free event is open to the public from 2 pm - 3:45 biotech research; atmospheric science; marine science;
4. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line 2 baking pm, and is geared toward interested middle schoolers, energy generation alternatives; capital investment strategies;
sheets with parchment paper. Lightly flour a high schoolers, and college students. The purpose energy policy; cryptocurrency; housing economics. This day
surface and roll each dough ball to 1/4” thickness. will be to provide expert mentoring to students from will be the launch of a writing project contest.
Cut into 1” squares and place on prepared baking accomplished artists, scientists and leadership trainers,
sheet. Use a small skewer or chopstick to poke a who are from the California Arts and Sciences Institute. LEADERSHIP AND ENTREPRENEURIAL TRAINING:
hole in the center of each square. Top with sea salt There will be three breakout groups: This breakout session will involve training on how to think
flakes (optional). like a business creator, led by one of California’s foremost
5. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until a golden brown. ART MENTORING: experts in entrepreneurial training. Principles of leadership
If you want your cheese crackers to be extra Students who are participating in the CASI Student Art and business creation will be given, and further breakout to
crunchy, continue baking for another 1-2 minutes Contest will receive review of their works by CASI artists. develop an original business concept will be undertaken.
but be careful not to burn. Remove from the oven The session may also be used for any student to drop
and transfer to a cooling rack. Cool completely and off a completed art submission to the CASI Student Art This day will be open to all the youth of the Central Coast.
enjoy! Makes 8 servings. Contest. Art History topics will be discussed, including You are encouraged to register in advance by emailing
biographical articles of early California artists and; there
Recipe Notes: Store crackers in an airtight scientists; the origin of the Monterey and Carmel art is no cost for this event and
container or large Ziplock bag for up to 1 week. colonies; the concepts of Plein Air painting; and history of registration is not essential. Keep
Since they are made with real cheese and butter,
HOMEMADE they may lose their crunchiness if not stored tuned to
informed on the event by staying
early California photography.
properly. You can also store in the refrigerator to
ensure they keep crunchy.
These homemade cheese crackers are made
with just 4 ingredients and taste even better
than store-bought Cheez-Its! They are crunchy 700 Cass St | Suite 101 48 West Romie Lane 271 Reservation Rd | Suite 202
and buttery with a sharp cheddar cheese flavor. Monterey, California 93940 Salinas, California 93901 Marina, California 93933
831.424.0834 tel
831.384.6800 tel
831.641.7252 tel
They’re perfect for lunch boxes, to-go snacks, or 831.854.7965 fax 831.424.4994 fax 831.384.6802 fax
cocktail hour! Kathryn is our resident foodie, she lives in Las
Palmas Ranch with her husband and two young
daughters. For more information about this recipe FOLLOW Accepting New Patients
50 July 2024 Greet HWY 68 Loop 51