Page 43 - Greet HWY 68 Loop 11.24
P. 43

AROUND TOWN                                            PRECIOUS PETS
 CALIFORNIA     BEAGLE LOVE                                                      Buddy and Grace    Grace


 SCIENCES                              Buddy and Louie



 Healthy Home Design   The California Arts and Sciences Institute (CASI)
 presents internationally noted architect Mary Ann
 & Living Environments  Schicketanz to elucidate methodologies for achieving   Share your Precious Pets with us!
 environmentally favorable outcomes from residential
 design. The scope of this event addresses new home   Email or   Louie
 design as well as remodeling and includes consideration   phone 272-4620 to contribute.
 BY C. MICHAEL HOGAN, PHD, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF CALIFORNIA   of site layout, building skin, roof, and interior features.
 ARTS AND SCIENCES INSTITUE, BAY RIDGE RESIDENT  This event will give you tangible takeaways for your   e are beagle owners and lovers. Buddy, our eldest,   the Peninsula. He is very conscientious and splits his affection
 next residence purchase, design, or remodel.  sadly passed away last year at the age of 14. He   evenly between us.
 Mary Ann Schicketanz is the principal of   Wwas our first beagle and will forever be missed. We   We also had another beagle named Grace. We adopted
 Schicketanz Studios, based in Carmel and Bangalore,   adopted him from the Monterey SPCA in September 2009   her from the Monterey SPCA in 2010 and had nine wonderful
 India. Her firm has three decades of design emphasizing   when he was nine months old. He had a bay you could hear   years with her. She was very loving and a little mischievous.
 concepts of minimum environmental impact and   from a mile away and was just a perfect being.   She could climb over our six-foot fence, get up on the kitchen
 healthy living environments. Their portfolio embraces   Louie came to us from Almost Home Foster Kennels in   counter and open the cabinets to fetch herself a snack, and
 projects across the Western USA and Western Europe.  Minnesota via four separate volunteer drivers during the first   could even climb trees. There was never a dull moment with
 Schicketanz will address concepts of optimal   week of the COVID lockdown in March 2020. He is like Buddy   her. She passed away in 2019 at the age of 17.
 site layout, building skin and roof selection, heating   in many ways but is also a special individual. He is 5 years old   All of our dogs have brought us so much joy over the years.
 system and insulation choices, and the myriad of   and agile at 26 lbs. He loves his toys and going for walks around   We can’t imagine our lives without them.
 building materials and finishes one may choose from in
 residential design. Attention will also be given to fire
 prevention, especially in Wildfire Urban Interfaces;
 Ramon Zamora,
 Warehouse Manager  fire prevention will address building exterior and
 landscaping decisions.
 This event will be held at Wave Street Studios   Finding Homes
 Our professional warehouse team is here for you.
 in Monterey, CA, on November 17 at 5 p.m. Event
 Whether it be household goods, new furniture or hotel FF&E… we
 treat each item as if it is our very own. You can rest easy when you   registration can be found at https://casicalifornia. Light
 warehouse your belongings at Cardinale Moving & Storage.  drinks and refreshments will be served. By becoming a
 member of the California Arts and Sciences Institute,
 The only mover on the Monterey Peninsula to represent
 UNITED VAN LINES, AMERICA’S #1 MOVER .  you can obtain two free tickets to this event.  FOR THE         WHOLE FAMILY
 OUR FAMILY HAS MOVED FAMILIES SINCE 1972  C. Michael Hogan is the president of CASI
 and resides in Bay Ridge. He encourages
 ® .  everyone to get involved in CASI to learn
 more about our world.

 Cal -T-102808  Let’s celebrate the great things
 Visit for a  happening in the community! Contact  Roman or phone
 272-4620.  (831)287-8626                         DRE: 02125202
 FREE estimate or give us a call at (831) 632-4100

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