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To n y               THE  BDES TEAM

                                            & Gar y

                                                                & F A CILITIES
                                                                                                  CLASSR OOMS

                     ADJ A CENT  T O  THE BD AS ,  LLC AN ALTYIC AL LABORA T OR Y .
       T he main classr oom also ser v es as our Sensor y Ev aluation Lab .  In addition
         a libr ar y/conf er ence r oom/lunch-dining ar ea,  a second smaller di vided
        classr oom,  a sensor y pr epar ation ar ea,  the Distillation and Spectr oscop y
     Resear ch Labs,  w hich both ser v e dur ing the teaching pr ogr ams,  ar e en-suite .
      T on y and Gar y often tak e Sensor y  Tr aining Course Mater ials on the r oad to
                              to teach our Clients at their o wn F acilities.

                            Gary Spedding. Ph.D. Owner of BDAS., LLC and BDES.
                                                                                      Tony Aiken. BSc. Sensory Journeyman at
                                                                                      BDAS, LLC and BDES
                            Gary, with a research degree in microbial biochemistry,
                            numerous publications in respected journals and, having   Tony, a computer programmer, has been
                            edited a major practical laboratory analytical workbook   involved in running the sensory evaluation
                            in the area dealing with protein synthesis, moved into    program at BDAS, LLC since about 2006. He
                            brewing analytical chemistry in 1999. Since then he       has written and implemented the software
                            has taught Sensory evaluation both on-site (in KY), and   we use to both collect and analyse the data
                            at client facilities for over 20 years since learning the   from our trained sensory panelists - primarily
                            science behind sensory of beer at the Siebel Institute of   for beer assessments. This includes, full
                            Technology, where he was Manager and then, for a short    descriptive analysis, triangle and tetrad
                            while, Director of Laboratory Operations. After forming   testing and more. Now we have sensory
                            BDAS, LLC in 2002, he has continued to hone skills        ballots and training programs for distilled
                            in testing beverages and understanding the origins,       spirits evaluations. Tony teaches with Gary
                            controls and descriptors of beer and spirits volatiles. He                             both on-site and around the Country - usually
                            has prepared several published chapters and written       several gigs a year - and co-authored a  both peer reviewed and general papers covering   COURSE ENROLMENT   Chapter on Sensory evaluation as a tool for
                            all aspects of the QC of alcoholic beverages.  He has   FORM: https://bdastesting.  beer quality assessment for the volume:
                            recently been appointed as lead science editor for the   com/app/uploads/2019/01/  Brewing Microbiology (Edited by Annie Hill)
                            new Journal of Distiling Science.     V1_2019.pdf
                                                                                      for Woodhead Publishing. He also teaches in
                                                                                      our courses and has become a guru at pilot
         Below:  The Rotary Evaporator which Tony uses                                scale distillation and botanical preparation.
         to prepare fresh botanical extracts, to test out                             These skills will be demonstrated in the gin
         new gin formulations and as used in class for                                and other courses offered here.
         reduced vacuum distillation. Right: A classic
         pilot still adapted by Tony to extend its research
         uses for gin and other spirits purposes.

                                                                                   Above: Two other copper pilot stills
                                                                                   used during our courses. Hands on
                                                                                   training. Many attendees purchase
                                                                                   their own after using them in the

                         BDAS, LLC                     C ALL                        EMAIL
                         1141 Red Mile Road,  STE 202,  +1 859-278-2533   
                         Lexington, KY 40504
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