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referred  to  as  Makkiyah  verses.  And  the  second  one  revealed  in  Medina  is
                  called  the  Madaniyah  verses.  (Muhammad  Roihan  Daulay,  2014).  Al-Qur'an
                  according  to  language  means  reading  or  being  read.  According  to  the  term,
                  the Qur'an is the revelation of Allah SWT which was revealed to the prophet
                  Muhammad  SAW  through  the  angel  Gabriel  as  a  guide  for  mankind.  The

                  Qur'an was revealed to be a guide for those who want to achieve happiness in
                  this world and the hereafter. The Qur'an uses Arabic and is a miracle for the
                  apostle.  Most  of  the  verses  of  the  Qur'an  were  revealed  in  the  cities  of
                  Mecca and Medina. The contents contained in the Qur'an are 6,236 verses,
                  114 letters and 30 chapters. Some definitions of the Qur'an:

               2.  Mukjizat
                  Mukjizat adalah hal luar biasa yang diberikan kepada para nabi sebagai bukti

                  kenabiannya.  Al-Qur’an adalah  mukjizat Nabi  Muhammad  saw. yang terbesar
                  dan  abadi.  Kemukjizatannya  dapat  dilihat  dari  keorisinilannya.  Belasan  abad
                  sudah  kitab  ini  tidak  berubah  meskipun  hanya  satu  huruf,  demikian  hingga
                  akhir  jaman.  Allah  telah  menjamin  untuk  menjaganya  sehingga  tidak  akan
                  pernah  mengalami  perubahan.  Kemukjizatan  lain  dapat  dilihat  dari
                  kesempurnaan bahasa dan kandungannya.

                  Miracles  are  extraordinary  things  given  to  the  prophets  as  proof  of  his
                  prophethood.  The  Qur'an  is  a  miracle  of  the  Prophet  Muhammad.  the
                  greatest and eternal. Its miracle can be seen from its originality. Dozens of
                  centuries this book has not changed even if only one letter, so until the end

                  of time. Allah has guaranteed to take care of it so that it will never change.
                  Another miracle can be seen from the perfection of language and its content.

               Tujuan pembelajaran:
                 -  Memiliki Adab ketika berada di dalam masjid

               Learning objectives:
               - Have adab when in the mosque


                                          Adab ketika berada di dalam masjid

                                                adab when in the mosque

               Masjid adalah rumah Allah yang berada di atas bumi. Memiliki kedudukan yang
               agung di mata kaum muslimin karena menjadi tempat bersatunya mereka ketika
               shalat  berjamaah  dan  kegiatan  beribadah  lainnya.  Umat  Islam  senantiasa  akan
               mulia  manakala  kembali  memakmurkan  masjid  seperti  halnya  generasi  salaf
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