P. 6

Adolescents  at  the  age  of  12-15  years  are  still  in  the  early  stages  of
                  searching for self-identity. It starts with abilities that are often expressed

                  in the form of a will that cannot be compromised so that it may be against
                  the will of others. If their will is opposed, they will tend to force their will to
                  be fulfilled.
               2.  Emosi

                  Emosi Emosi adalah perasaan mendalam yang biasanya menimbulkan perbuatan

                  atau  perilaku.  Perasaan  dapat  berkaitan  dengan  fisik  atau  psikis,  sedangkan
                  emosi  hanya  dipakai  untuk  keadaan  psikis.  Pada  masa  remaja,  kepekaan
                  terhadap emosi 15 menjadi meningkat sehingga rangsangan sedikit saja dapat
                  menimbulkan luapan emosi yang besar.

                  Emotions Emotions are deep feelings that usually lead to actions or behavior.
                  Feelings can be related to physical or psychological, while emotions are only
                  used  for  psychological  states.  In  adolescence,  sensitivity  to  emotions

                  increases so that even the slightest stimulation can cause a large emotional
               3.  Perkembangan kecerdasan Perkembangan intelegensi masih berlangsung pada
                  masa  remaja  sampai  usia  21  tahun.  remaja  lebih  suka  belajar  sesuatu  yang
                  mengandung logika yang dapat dimengerti hubungan antara hal satu dengan hal
                  yang lainnya. Imajinasi remaja juga banyak mengalami kemajuan ditinjau dari

                  prestasi yang dicapainya.

                  Development  of  intelligence  Intelligence  development  still  takes  place  in
                  adolescence until the age of 21 years. Teenagers prefer to learn something
                  that contains logic that can be understood the relationship between one thing
                  and  another.  Teenagers'  imaDevelopment  of  intelligence  Intelligence

                  development  still  takes  place  in  adolescence  until  the  age  of  21  years.
                  Teenagers  prefer  to  learn  something  that  contains  logic  that  can  be
                  understood  the  relationship  between  one  thing  and  another.  Teenagers'

                  imaginations     have     also    progressed      a   lot    in   terms     of    their
                  achievements.ginations  have  also  progressed  a  lot  in  terms  of  their
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