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CHAPTER 5   •  Foundations of Planning     181
                         “Retailers  Want to Read  Your   see, for example,  T. D. Ludwig   agement Journal (July–September   This Job and ***** It,”  Fortune,
                       Mind,” USA Today, March 2, 2012,   and E. S. Geller, “Intervening to   1982): 197–211.  January 7, 2002, 122.
                       1B+; and C. Duhigg, “How Compa-  Improve  the  Safety  of  Delivery    36.  K. Garber, “Powering the Infor-   47.  P. Lattiman, “Hilton and Starwood
                       nies Learn Your Secrets,” New York   Drivers: A Systematic Behavioral   mation Age,” U.S. News & World   Settle Dispute,”  New York  Times
                       Times Online, February 16, 2012.  Approach,”  Journal of Organi-  Report, April 2009, 46–48; and S.   Online, December 22, 2010; “Star-
                     25.  McDonald’s Annual Report 2007,   zational Behavior Management   Hamm, “It’s Too Darn Hot,” Busi-  wood vs. Hilton,”  Hotels’ Invest-
              (April 21,   (April 4, 2000): 11–24; P. Latham   nessWeek, March 31, 2008, 60–63.  ment Outlook, June 2009, 14; R.
                       2008).                     and L. M. Saari, “The Effects of    37.  “As Q4 Approaches, Which of the   Kidder, “Hotel Industry Roiled by
                     26.  S. Zesiger Callaway, “Mr. Ghosn   Holding Goal Difficulty Constant   Following Is Most Challenging   Corporate Espionage Claim,” Ethics
                       Builds His Dream Car,”  Fortune,   on  Assigned and Participatively   for You as a Leader?” SmartBrief   Newsline, www.globalethicslorg/
                       February 4, 2008, 56–58.   Set Goals,”  Academy of Man-  on Leadership,   news-line; Reuters, “Hilton Hotels
                     27.  See, for instance, J. Pfeffer,  Or-  agement Journal (March 1979):   leadership, October 15, 2013.  Is Subpoenaed in Espionage Case,”
                       ganizational Design (Arlington   163–68; M. Erez, P. C. Earley, and    38.  A. Campbell, “Tailored, Not   New York Times  Online, April  22,
                       Heights, IL:  AHM Publishing,   C. L. Hulin, “The Impact of Par-  Benchmarked:  A Fresh Look at   2009;  T. Audi, “U.S. Probes Hil-
                       1978), 5–12; and C. K. Warriner,   ticipation on Goal Acceptance and   Corporate Planning,”  Harvard   ton over Theft Claims,” Wall Street
                       “The Problem of Organizational   Performance: A Two Step Model,”   Business Review Online, https://  Journal, April 22, 2009, B1; and T.
                       Purpose,”  Sociological  Quarterly   Academy of Management Journal  Audi, “Hilton Is Sued over Luxury
                       (Spring 1965): 139–46.     (March 1985): 50–66; and G. P.   benchmarked-a-fresh-look-at-   Chain,”  Wall Street Journal, April
                     28.  D.  Drickhamer,  “Braced for  the   Latham, M. Erez, and E. A. Locke,   corporate-planning, April 1999.  17, 2009, B1.
                       Future,”  Industry Week, October   “Resolving  Scientific  Disputes    39.  Ibid.   48.  B. Rosner, “HR Should Get a
                       2004, 51–52.               by the Joint Design of Crucial    40.  J. H. Sheridan, “Focused on Flow,”   Clue: Corporate Spying Is Real,”
                     29.  P. N. Romani, “MBO by Any Other   Experiments by the  Antagonists:   IW, October 18, 1999, 46–51.  Workforce, April 2001, 72–75.
                       Name Is Still MBO,” Supervision,   Application to the Erez Latham    41.  A.  Taylor III, “Hyundai Smokes    49.  K.  Western, “Ethical Spying,”
                       December 1997, 6–8; and  A.  W.   Dispute Regarding Participation in   the Competition,”  Fortune, Janu-  Business Ethics, September–Octo-
                       Schrader and G. T. Seward, “MBO   Goal Setting,” Journal of Applied   ary 18, 2010, 62–71.  ber 1995, 22–23.
                       Makes Dollar Sense,”  Personnel   Psychology (November 1988):    42.  Brews  and  Hunt,  “Learning  to    50.  Associated British Foods Plc, www
                       Journal (July 1989): 32–37.  753–72. For information on ef-  Plan and Planning to Learn: Re-; Primark, www.primark
                     30.  From the Past to the Present   fectiveness of MBO, see, for ex-  solving the Planning School/; R. Baker, “Primark Boldly
                       box based on P. F. Drucker,  The   ample, F. Dahlsten, A. Styhre, and   Learning School Debate.”  Does Not Go Online,” Market-
                       Practice of Management (New   M.  Williander, “The Unintended    43.  R. J. Newman, “Coming and Go-  ing Week, August 25, 2011, www
                       York: Harper & Row, 1954); J.   Consequences of Management by   ing,”  U.S. News and  World Re-  .marketingweek; and; M.
                       F. Castellano and H.  A. Roehm,   Objectives:  The Volume  Growth   port, January 23, 2006, 50–52; T.   Sheridan, C. Moore, and K. Nobbs,
                       “The Problem with Managing by   Target  at  Volvo Cars,”  Leader-  Atlas, “Bangalore’s Big Dreams,”   “Fast Fashion Requires Fast
                       Objectives and Results,”  Qual-  ship & Organization Development   U.S. News and World Report, May     Marketing:  The  Role  of  Category
                       ity Progress, March 2001, 39–46;   Journal (July 2005): 529–41; J. R.   2, 2005, 50–52; and K. H. Ham-  Management in Fast Fashion Posi-
                       J. Loehr and  T. Schwartz, “The   Crow, “Crashing with the Nose   monds, “Smart, Determined, Am-  tioning,” Journal of Fashion Mar-
                       Making of a Corporate  Athlete,”   Up: Building a Cooperative Work   bitious, Cheap: The New Face of   keting and Management, 10 (2006).
                       Harvard Business Review, Janu-  Environment,” Journal for Quality   Global Competition,”  Fast Com-   51.  I. Lapowsky, “Livestrong with-
                       ary 2001, 120–28;  A. J.  Vogl,   and Participation (Spring 2002):   pany, February 2003, 90–97.  out Lance,”
                       “Drucker, of Course,”  Across the   45–50; and E. C. Hollensbe and J.    44.  See, for example, P. Tarraf and R.   magazine/201404/issie-lapowsky/
                       Board,  November–December  P. Guthrie, “Group Pay-for-Perfor-  Molz, “Competitive Intelligence,”   what-livestrong-is-like-without-
                       2000, 1. For information on goals   mance Plans:  The Role of Spon-  SAM  Advanced  Management  lance-armstrong.html, April 1, 2014.
                       and goal setting, see, for example,   taneous Goal Setting,”  Academy   Journal (Autumn 2006): 24–34;    52.  Ibid.
                       E. A. Locke, “Toward a Theory of   of Management Review, October   W. M. Fitzpatrick, “Uncover-   53.  V. O’Connell, “Livestrong Seeks
                       Task Motivation and Incentives,”   2000, 864–72.      ing Trade Secrets: The Legal and   Life after Lance Armstrong,” Wall
                       Organizational Behavior and Hu-   31.  R. Rodgers and J. E. Hunter, “Im-  Ethical Conundrum of Creative   Street Journal, March 6, 2013, B7.
                       man Performance, May 1968,   pact of Management by Objectives   Competitive  Intelligence,”  SAM    54.  Ibid.
                       157–89; E. A. Locke, K. N. Shaw,   on Organizational Productivity,”   Advanced Management  Journal   55. “Chandini  Portteus  Named
                       L. M. Saari, and G. P. Latham,   Journal of  Applied Psychology   (Summer 2003): 4–12; L. Lavelle,   New President and CEO for
                       “Goal Setting and  Task Perfor-  (April 1991): 322–36.  “The Case of the Corporate Spy,”   LIVESTRONG,” LIVESTRONG
                       mance: 1969–1980,”  Psychologi-   32.  G. P. Latham, “The Motivational   BusinessWeek,  November  26,  Staff,  http://blog.livestrong.
                       cal  Bulletin,  July  1981,  12–52;   Benefits of Goal-Setting,”  Acad-  2001, 56–58; C. Britton, “Decon-  org/2015/03/24/chandini-portteus-
                       E. A. Locke and G. P. Latham, A   emy of Management Executive,   structing  Advertising:  What Your   named-new-president-and-ceo-
                       Theory of Goal Setting and  Task   November 2004, 126–29.  Competitor’s Advertising Can Tell   for-livestrong/, March 24, 2015.
                       Performance (Upper Saddle River,    33.  For additional information on   You  about  Their  Strategy,”  Com-   56.  K.  Weisul, “How  Neil  Blumen-
                       NJ: Prentice Hall, 1990); P. Ward   goals, see, for instance, P. Druck-  petitive Intelligence, January/Feb-  thal Took the Risk Out of Warby
                       and M. Carnes, “Effects of Post-  er, The Executive in Action (New   ruary 2002, 15–19; and L. Smith,    Parker,”
                       ing Self-Set Goals on Collegiate   York: HarperCollins Books, 1996),   “Business Intelligence Progress   kimberly-weisul/how-warby-
                       Football Players’ Skill Execu-  207–14; and E. A. Locke and G. P.   in Jeopardy,”  InformationWeek,   parker-took-the-risk-out-of-its-
                       tion During Practice and Games,”   Latham, A Theory of Goal Setting   March 4, 2002, 74.  business.html, May 28, 2015;
                       Journal of  Applied Behavioral   and Task Performance (Upper Sad-   45.  S.  Greenbard,  “New  Heights  in   and M. Chafkin, “Warby Parker
                       Analysis,  Spring  2002,  1–12; D.   dle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1990).  Business Intelligence,”  Business   Sees the Future of Retail,” http://
                       W. Ray, “Productivity and Prof-   34.  J. L. Roberts, “Signed, Sealed,   Finance, March 2002, 41–46; K. A.
                       itability,”  Executive Excellence,   Delivered?”  Newsweek, June 20,   Zimmermann, “The Democratiza-  most-innovative-companies-2015/
                       October 2001, 14; D.  Archer,   2005, 44–46.          tion of Business Intelligence,” KN   warby-parker-sees-the-future-of-
                       “Evaluating  Your Managed Sys-   35.  Several of these factors were sug-  World, May 2002, 20–21; and C.   retail, February 17, 2015.
                       tem,”  CMA Management, Janu-  gested by R. K. Bresser and R. C.   Britton, “Deconstructing Advertis-   57.  M. Diebel, “A Visionary Approach
                       ary 2000, 12–14; and C. Antoni,   Bishop, “Dysfunctional Effects of   ing:  What Your  Competitor’s Ad-  to Selling Eyewear,”  USA Today,
                       “Management by Objectives:  An   Formal Planning: Two Theoretical   vertising Can Tell You about Their   December 1, 2014, 3B.
                       Effective Tool  for Teamwork,”   Explanations,”  Academy of Man-  Strategy,” Competitive Intelligence,    58.  Chafkin, “Warby Parker Sees the
                       International Journal of Human   agement Review, October 1983,   January–February 2002, 15–19.  Future of Retail.”
                       Resource Management (February   588–99; and J. S. Armstrong, “The    46.  C. Hausman, “Business-Ethics    59.  Chafkin, “Warby Parker Sees the
                       2005): 174–84. For information   Value of Formal Planning for Stra-  News Featured in World-Press Re-  Future of Retail”; and Diebel, “A
                       on participation in goal setting,   tegic  Decisions:  Review  of  Em-  ports,” Ethics Newsline, March 14,   Visionary  Approach to Selling
                                                  pirical Research,”  Strategic Man-  2011;  and  L.  Weathersby, “Take   Eyewear.”
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