Page 417 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 417
Welcome that communication tends to be work-related.
to the world
of communi- But as we’ll see, sometimes communication
can cause some unintended consequences. In
cation! In this “world,” managers are going
this chapter, we’re going to look at basic con-
to have to understand both the importance
cepts of interpersonal communication. We’ll
and the drawbacks of communication—all
explain the communication process, meth-
forms of communication, even the grapevine.
ods of communicating, barriers to effective
Communication takes place every day in every
communication, and ways to overcome those
organization. In all areas. By all organizational barriers. In addition, we’ll look at communica-
members. In many different forms. Most of tion issues that today’s managers face. •
Learning Outcomes
Describe what managers need to know about communicating effectively.
p. 417
13-2 Explain how technology affects managerial communication. p. 425
13-3 Discuss contemporary issues in communication. p. 428