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CHAPTER 12 • Leadership and Trust 411
Longitudinal Study of the Early 28. B. J. Avolio and B. M. Bass, Howell and B. J. Avolio, “Trans- Social Psychology (September
Development of Leader-Member “Transformational Leadership, formational Leadership, Transac- 2001): 1821–44; J. A. Conger, R.
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G. Green, and T. D. Taber, “Verti- paper, School of Management, trol, and Support for Innovation: “Charismatic Leadership and Fol-
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24. P. Drexler, “The Upside of Favor- Recognition and Personality on ship and the Performance of Re- nizational Commitment,” Leader-
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of Leader-Member Exchange (October 2000): 751–65; B. M. Leader to Leader, Fall 2010, S. A. Kirkpatrick and E. A. Locke,
Theory, Self-Efficacy, and Organi- Bass and B. J. Avolio, “Develop- 45–49; and F. Vogelstein, “Mighty “Direct and Indirect Effects of
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M. Kacmar, “The Mediating Role B. M. Bass, “Supervisors’ Evalua- from Above: The Impact of Proac- 51; D. A. Waldman, B. M. Bass,
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B. Halbesleben, J. R. B. Paul, “If 1988): 695–702. textual Influences on the Emer- tion Studies, December 1990, 381–
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Attributions of Organizational ment?” Leadership Quarterly, go, “Behavioral Dimensions of ness,” in Conger and Kanungo,
Citizenship Behavior Motives,” February 2011, 121–31; X.-H. Charismatic Leadership,” in J. Charismatic Leadership, 103–04.
Human Resource Management (Frank) Wang and J. M. Howell, A. Conger, R. N. Kanungo and 35. B. R. Agle, N J. Nagarajan, J. A.
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Subordinate Emotional Intelligence Applied Psychology (November 33. J. A. Conger and R. N. Kanungo, lationships among Organizational
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