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410    Part 4   •  Leading

                  1.  Most leadership research has     6.  R. Kahn and D. Katz, “Leadership    16.  See, for example, R. H. G. Field   ing ‘B’:  A Selective Level-of-
                      focused on the actions and respon-  Practices in Relation to Productiv-  and R. J. House, “A  Test of the   Analysis Review of the Field and
                    sibilities of managers and extrapo-  ity and Morale,” in D. Cartwright   Vroom Yetton Model Using Man-  a Detailed Leader-Member Ex-
                    lated the results to leaders and   and  A. Zander, eds.,  Group Dy-  ager and Subordinate Reports,”   change Illustration,”  Leadership
                    leadership in general.    namics: Research and Theory, 2nd   Journal of  Applied Psychology   Quarterly,  Winter 2001, 515–51;
                  2.  From the Past to the Present   ed. (Elmsford, NY: Pow, Paterson,   (June 1990): 362–66; J. T. Ettling   R. C. Liden, R. T. Sparrowe, and
                    box  based  on  D.  S.  Derue,  J.  D.   1960).      and  A. G. Jago, “Participation   S. J.  Wayne, “Leader-Member
                      Nahrgang, N. Wellman, and S. E.     7.  R. R. Blake and J. S. Mouton, The   Under Conditions of Conflict:   Exchange Theory: The  Past  and
                    Humphrey, “Trait and Behavioral   Managerial Grid III (Houston:   More on the Validity of the Vroom   Potential for the Future,” in G. R.
                    Theories of  Leadership:  An  Inte-  Gulf Publishing, 1984).  Yetton Model,”  Journal of Man-  Ferris (ed.), Research in Personnel
                    gration and Meta-Analytic Test of     8.  W. G. Bennis, “The Seven  Ages   agement Studies (January 1988):   and Human Resource Manage-
                    Their  Relative Validity,”  Personnel   of the Leader,” Harvard Business   73–83; C. R. Leana, “Power Re-  ment, vol. 15 (Greenwich, CT: JAI
                    Psychology, Spring 2011, 7–52; and   Review, January 2004, 52.  linquishment versus Power Shar-  Press, 1997), 47–119; G. B. Graen
                    D. A. Wren and A. G. Bedeian, The     9.  F. E. Fiedler,  A  Theory of Lead-  ing:  Theoretical Clarification and   and M. Uhl-Bien, “Relationship-
                    Evolution of Management Thought,   ership Effectiveness  (New York:   Empirical Comparison of Delega-  Based  Approach to Leadership:
                    6th ed. (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley   McGraw-Hill, 1967).  tion and Participation,” Journal of   Development of Leader-Member
                    & Sons, 2009), 345–46.   10.  R. Ayman, M. M. Chemers, and F.   Applied Psychology (May 1987):   Exchange (LMX) Theory of Lead-
                  3.  See D. S. Derue, J. D. Nahrgang,   Fiedler, “The Contingency Model   228–33; and R. H. G. Field, “A   ership Over 25 Years: Applying a
                    N. Wellman, and S. E. Humphrey,   of Leadership Effectiveness: Its   Test of the Vroom Yetton Norma-  Multi-Domain Perspective,” Lead-
                    “Trait and Behavioral  Theories   Levels  of Analysis,”  Leader-  tive  Model  of Leadership,”  Jour-  ership Quarterly, Summer 1995,
                    of Leadership:  An Integration   ship Quarterly, Summer 1995,   nal of Applied Psychology (Octo-  219–47; and R. M. Dienesch and
                    and  Meta-Analytic Test  of Their   147–67; C. A. Schriesheim, B. J.   ber 1982): 523–32.  R. C. Liden, “Leader-Member
                    Relative  Validity,”  Personnel   Tepper, and L. A. Tetrault, “Lease    17.  For additional information about   Exchange Model of Leadership:
                    Psychology, Spring 2011, 7–52;   Preferred Co-Worker Score, Situ-  the exchanges that occur between   A Critique and Further Develop-
                    T. A. Judge, J. E. Bono, R. Ilies,   ational Control, and Leadership   the leader and the follower, see   ment,”  Academy of Management
                    and  M.  W.  Gerhardt, “Personal-  Effectiveness: A Meta-Analysis of   A. S. Phillips and A. G. Bedeian,   Review, July 1986, 618–34.
                    ity and Leadership: A Qualitative   Contingency Model Performance   “Leader Follower Exchange Qual-   22.  J.  B.  Wu,  A.  S.  Tsui,  and  A.  J.
                    and Quantitative Review,” Journal   Predictions,”  Journal  of Applied   ity: The Role of Personal and In-  Kinicki, “Consequences of Dif-
                    of Applied  Psychology (August   Psychology (August 1994): 561–73;    terpersonal Attributes,”  Academy   ferentiated Leadership in Groups,”
                    2002): 765–80; and S.  A. Kirk-  and L. H. Peters, D. D. Hartke, and   of  Management  Journal  37,  no.   Academy of Management Journal
                    patrick and E. A. Locke, “Leader-  J. T. Pholmann, “Fiedler’s Contin-  4 (1994): 990–1001; and  T.  A.   (February 2010): 90–106; S. S.
                    ship: Do Traits Matter?” Academy   gency  Theory of Leadership:  An   Scandura and C. A. Schriesheim,   Masterson, K. Lewis, and B. M.
                    of Management Executive, May   Application of the Meta-Analysis   “Leader Member Exchange and   Goldman,  “Integrating  Justice
                    1991, 48–60.              Procedures of Schmidt and Hunt-  Supervisor Career Mentoring as   and  Social  Exchange:  The  Dif-
                  4.  K. Lewin and R. Lippitt, “An Ex-  er,” Psychological Bulletin, March   Complementary Constructs in   fering  Effects  of  Fair Procedures
                    perimental Approach to the Study   1985, 274–85.     Leadership Research,”  Academy   and Treatment on Work Relation-
                    of Autocracy  and  Democracy: A    11.  See B. Kabanoff, “A Critique of   of Management Journal 37, no. 6   ships,”  Academy of Management
                    Preliminary Note,”  Sociometry 1   Leader Match and Its Implications   (1994): 1588–602.  Journal (August 2000): 738–48;
                    (1938): 292–300; K. Lewin, “Field   for Leadership Research,”  Per-   18.  SmartPulse,  “How  Willing  Are   S. J.  Wayne, L. J.  Shore,  W. H.
                    Theory and Experiment in Social   sonnel Psychology, Winter  1981,   You to Step Outside Your Lead-  Bommer, and L. E. Tetrick, “The
                    Psychology: Concepts and Meth-  749–64; and E. H. Schein,  Or-  ership Style ‘Comfort Zone’ and   Role of Fair  Treatment and Re-
                    ods,” American Journal of Sociol-  ganizational Psychology, 3rd ed.   Try New  Techniques?” www   wards in Perceptions of Organiza-
                    ogy 44 (1939): 868–96; K. Lewin,   (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice,  De-  tional Support and Leader-Mem-
                    R. Lippitt, and R. K. White, “Pat-  Hall, 1980), 116–17.  cember 10, 2013.      ber Exchange,” Journal of Applied
                    terns of  Aggressive Behavior in    12.  P. Hersey and K. H. Blanchard,    19.  R. J. House, “Path-Goal Theory of   Psychology (June 2002): 590–98;
                    Experimentally Created Social   Management of Organizational Be-  Leadership: Lessons, Legacy, and   R. C. Liden, S. J. Wayne, and D.
                    Climates,” Journal of Social Psy-  havior: Leading Human Resourc-  a  Reformulated Theory,”  Leader-  Stilwell, “A Longitudinal Study of
                    chology 10 (1939): 271–301; and   es, 8th ed. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:   ship Quarterly, Fall 1996, 323–52;   the Early Development of Leader-
                    R. Lippitt, “An Experimental   Prentice Hall, 2001); and P. Hersey   R. J. House and  T. R. Mitchell,   Member Exchanges,”  Journal
                    Study of the Effect of Democratic   and K. Blanchard, “So You  Want   “Path-Goal  Theory of Leader-  of Applied  Psychology (August
                    and Authoritarian  Group Atmo-  to Know Your Leadership Style?”   ship,”  Journal of Contemporary   1993): 662–74; and R. C. Liden
                    spheres,” University of Iowa Stud-  Training and Development Journal   Business (Autumn 1974): 86; and   and G. Graen, “Generalizability of
                    ies in Child  Welfare 16 (1940):   (February 1974): 1–15.  R. J. House, “A Path-Goal Theory   the Vertical Dyad Linkage Model
                    43–95.                  13.  See, for instance, E. G. Ralph,   of Leader Effectiveness,” Adminis-  of Leadership,” Academy of Man-
                  5.  R. M. Stodgill and A. E. Coons,   “Developing Managers’ Effective-  trative Science Quarterly, Septem-  agement  Journal  (September
                    eds.,  Leader Behavior: Its De-  ness:  A Model with Potential,”   ber 1971, 321–38.  1980): 451–65.
                    scription  and  Measurement,   Journal of Management Inquiry    20.  A. Sagie and M. Koslowsky, “Or-   23.  V. L. Goodwin,  W. M. Bowler,
                    Research Monograph No. 88   (June 2004): 152–63; C. L. Graeff,   ganizational Attitudes and Behav-  and J. L.  Whittington, “A Social
                    (Columbus: Ohio State Univer-  “Evolution of Situational Leader-  iors as a Function of Participation   Network Perspective on LMX
                    sity, Bureau of Business Research,   ship  Theory: A Critical Review,”   in Strategic and  Tactical Change   Relationships: Accounting for the
                    1951). See also S. Kerr, C.  A.   Leadership Quarterly 8, no. 2   Decisions: An Application of Path-  Instrumental Value of Leader and
                    Schriesheim, C. J. Murphy, and   (1997): 153–70; and C. F. Fernan-  Goal Theory,” Journal of Organi-  Follower Networks,”  Journal of
                    R. M. Stodgill, “Toward a Con-  dez and R. P. Vecchio, “Situational   zational Behavior (January 1994):   Management (August 2009): 954–
                    tingency  Theory of Leadership   Leadership  Theory  Revisited: A   37–47; and J. C. Wofford and L.   80; R. Vecchio and D. M. Brazil,
                    Based upon the Consideration and   Test of an  Across-Jobs Perspec-  Z. Liska, “Path-Goal Theories of   “Leadership and  Sex-Similarity:
                    Initiating Structure Literature,”   tive,” Leadership Quarterly 8, no.   Leadership: A  Meta-Analysis,”   A Comparison in a Military Set-
                    Organizational Behavior and Hu-  1 (1997): 67–84.    Journal of Management (Winter   ting,”  Personnel Psychology, vol.
                    man Performance (August 1974):    14.  V. H.  Vroom and P.  W.  Yetton,   1993): 857–76.  60 (2007): 303–35; M. Uhl-Bien,
                    62–82; and B. M. Fisher, “Consid-  Leadership and Decision Making    21.  L. Ma and Q. Qu, “Differentia-  “Relationship Development  as
                    eration and Initiating Structure and   (Pittsburgh: University of Pitts-  tion in Leader-Member Exchange:   a  Key Ingredient for Leadership
                    Their Relationships with Leader   burgh Press, 1973).  A Hierarchical Linear Modeling   Development,” in S. E. Murphy
                    Effectiveness: A  Meta Analysis,”    15.  V. H. Vroom and A. G. Jago, The   Approach,”  Leadership Quar-  and R. E. Riggio (eds.), Future of
                    in F. Hoy, ed., Proceedings of the   New Leadership: Managing Par-  terly, October 2010, 733–44; C.   Leadership Development (Mah-
                    48th Annual Academy of Manage-  ticipation in Organizations (Upper   P. Schriesheim, S. L. Castro, X.   wah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum,
                    ment Conference (Anaheim, CA,   Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,   Zhou, and F. J. Yamarinno, “The   2003), 129–47; R. C. Liden, S.
                    1988), 201–05.            1988). See especially Chapter 8.  Folly of  Theorizing ‘A’ but  Test-  J.  Wayne, and D. Stilwell, “A
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