Page 10 - CV Feb-March 2023 issue_Neat
P. 10
Electricity consumption in the country is expected to grow at a manufacturing activity, which rose to a 25-month high
decadal high of 9-10 per cent year-on-year (y-o-y) in the current during the month.
fiscal, according to a report. "We expect demand to grow a
healthy 6-7 per cent on-year in the fourth quarter owing to India's peak power demand touched a record high of 216
anticipated severe cold waves parts of the country as well as GW in April 2022, up 6 per cent on-year, as several
healthy economic activity. For the full fiscal, electricity regions in the North reeled under a severe heatwave.
consumption is slated to grow at a decadal high of 9-10 per cent The surge in demand was also contributed by industrial
vis-a-vis 8.2 per cent in fiscal 2022," as per the report by Crisil and manufacturing activities.
Market Intelligence and Analytics.
Generation in the third quarter of FY2023 was affected
In December, peak demand rose once again by a sharp by seasonally lower output from renewable sources,
12 per cent y-o-y and 9 per cent month-on-month to leaving costly thermal power to service incremental
206 GW, due to increased heating requirement with the demand. The government is expecting a peak demand of
onset of winter as well as continued momentum in 230 GW in April 2023.
8 / CONSTRUCTION VISION / February-March 2023