Page 6 - CV Feb-March 2023 issue_Neat
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New Product Announcement - 5 NEW Laser Distance Meters
Fluke 404E/406E/405/408/410 Laser Distance Meter
Professional-grade distance measuring tools that are fast, easy to use and fit in your pocket.
June, 2022 – FLUKE, the world leader in portable handheld test and Features and Benefits of New Fluke Laser Distance Meters
measurement instruments, introduces a set of 5 New Laser
Quickly measure distance upto 100meters, calculate area,
Distance Meters in India market. Want to determine the distance
volume & Pythagoras
between two objects? Need to calculate area or volume? No need to
learn how to read a tape measure or ruler, Fluke Laser Distance 2-inch HD display, clear viewing in full sunlight
Meter does the work for you. Rechargeable battery with Type-C charging port
To disrupt the Laser Distance market, Fluke launched their latest IP65/54 - Built to withstand rainy or dusty conditions and 1-meter
range of professional-grade Laser Distance Meters (LDMs) which drop tested
are fast, easy to use, and fits on your tool belt & fits your budget.
Data storage for up to 100 readings
The Fluke laser distance meters uses the most advanced distance
Electronic angle display, auxiliary level measurement
measuring precision laser technology. These meters are fast,
accurate, durable, and easy to use—just point and shoot to measure The battery life up to 5000 single measurements
distance, area, volume or angle. Their simple design and easy one-
Automatically power off after 3 minutes of inactivity
button operation means you spend less time measuring while
Universal tripod interface for easy mounting
increasing the reliability of the measurements that you need.
Use Fluke laser distance meters to quickly and accurately determine
“With Fluke New range of LDMs, Indian customers now have
the distance to your target, the area bounded by two distances, or
access to a world class range of Laser Distance Meters which
the volume within three measurements:
offers a wide product range coupled with latest technology &
user friendly features” said Prashant Jain - Head Retail The Fluke range of Laser Distance Meters are better than an
Business, Fluke India. ultrasonic device because they use laser light waves and measure
their reflection to accurately determine distances:
These new LDMs will save you effort & money by reducing
measurement time and errors!
4 / CONSTRUCTION VISION / February-March 2023