Page 15 - UKBM Bahasa Inggris
P. 15

Another  strong  point  against  capital  punishment  is

             that two wrongs do not make a right. Killing a victim,

             for  instance,  and  then  being  sentenced  to  death  do

             not  suddenly  make  everything  all  right  or  make

             things better. A poor,  helpless victim’s life has been

             stolen  from  him,  but  killing  the  murder  will  not

             bring the victim back.

             Nevertheless,  those  who  are  in  favor  of  the  death

             penalty  have  many  points  to  justify  their  stance.

             Most importantly, it punishes the criminal by doing

             to him what he did to others. It acts as a form of

             revenge for the victim’s family by letting them know

             that  the  criminal  has  felt  some  of  the  pain  he

             inflicted on another.

             Furthermore,  capital  punishment  could  act  as  a

             deterrent  to  anyone  who  ever  thought  about
             committing  certain  crimes  because  he  would  know

             that  when  he  was  found  guilty,  the  death  penalty

             awaited him. It can also save money because, instead

             of  the  criminal  being  kept  in  person  for  the  rest  of

             his life, he is killed.

             After  weighing  up  the  arguments  for  and  against

             capital  punishment,  I  have  come  to  the  conclusion

             that I am for it, and that it is a pity it was abolished

             in Britain thirty or so years ago.
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