Page 10 - UKBM Bahasa Inggris
P. 10

Discussion Text - Advantages & Disadvan,tages, Pro,s. & Cons, Positive & Neg,e,itive

                  I. Stat·ng  issue· ,ako.n adanya  sebuah permo.salaho.n ,dalam sua.tu hal
                  2. Supporting Arguments: Bebe.r,cipa alasan, y·ang m.endukung dar· permasalahan
                  3. Against  Arguments: Bebe,r.apa ,alosan y·ong tiid'ok menyetujui odony·a isu
                  4. Recommendation:  Kesimpulan  atou rekomend'asi

                                               Issue:the controversy over whether it is necessary to maintain the
                                               national exams (UN) has continued.

                  Pros and Cons                Supporting Arguments: the quality of the Indonesia education
                                               system will drop without the national exam

                                               Against Arguments:the quality of education does not just depend on
                                               the national exam.

                                               RecommendaUon: the national examination can still be useful as an
                                               instrument to evaluate or detect the level of students' cognitive

                     ---MODft  o,A DnmftloN

                      Structures       Should Australia become a republic?

                      s ! = T { Recentily, Australians have been debating the possibility of   WORDS TO
                        THAT      becoming  a  republic.  There  are  arguments  for  and  agaiinst   LINK
                      INTRODUCES   Au  tralia  pursuing_  this  course  in  the  twe  ty-first  century.  I   ARGUMENTS
                     01sc:uss10N   believe  hat Australia should become a republic.
                                       Republicans  see Australia  as having  moved  beyond  its
                                  British roots and desire chan  e  not onl  because it  is  radical   PHRASE
                      ARGUMENTS   but also symbolic. I  believe that Britain is now less important to   INTRODUCES
                         FOR      Australia economically  as well as culturally, and that Australia   ANOTHER
                               {   should look at formirng stronger links with nations situated in the   POINT
                                  same region.                                             OF VIEW
                                       On the ot er Fian  tlhose opposed to a republic argue that
                                  our parliamentary system and other major institutions, such as
                      ARGUMENTS    the  law,  are  based  on  the  British  model,  which  has  provided   SHOWING
                       AGAINST  {  Australia with a stable system of government and they fear that   AUTHOR'S
                       (\         any changes may threaten this stability.                OPINION
                       --              It  can  be  seen  that  there  are  reasons  for  and  aga1inst
                      coNcLus10N  becoming a republic. After looking at both sides, I  still beheve
                                 , that Australia should become a republic.
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