Page 8 - UKBM Bahasa Inggris
P. 8


             Sebelum mempelajari materi, cermati tabel

             berikut dan jawablah pertanyaannya!

                 Look  at  these  following  issues.  Do  you  agree  or

                 disagree  about  the  issues?  (Give  a  thick  to  show

                 your answer!)

              No                          Issue                              Agree           Disagree

               1  Using public transportation to school

               2  Commercial break in television

               3  No plastic bag/ glass in canteen

               4  Fullday School

               5  No mobile phone at school

                 Twist  your  answer  with  your  partner  then  ask

                 him/her why do she/he agree or dissagree with the

   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13