Page 38 - Kent Parks Recreation Guide Winter 2024-2025
P. 38

SENIOR                                               Adult Coloring Club

         ACTIVITY CENTER                                      Bring your own coloring supplies or borrow some,
                                                              everyone is welcome.

                                                                         DAYS                     TIMES
                             CLUBS                                    Thursdays               9am-11:30am

                                                              O’Brien Garden Club
         Bilingual Group                                      If you are interested in gardening, check out
                                                              O’Brien Garden Club. New members are always
         Come join others who like to practice their English  welcome. Contact Susan at 425-281-0450.
         or Spanish. A qualified instructor is here to help.  Annual dues are $20 through April.
                                                                         DAYS                     TIMES
                    DAYS                     TIMES
                                                                3rd Friday of the month        10am-2pm
                  Tuesdays                10am-11am
                                                              Knot Quite Write Players
         Kent Senior Stitchers
                                                              The Kent Senior Activity Center’s Readers
         Knitting and crocheting projects created during      Theater troupe always welcomes new members.
         Kent Senior Stitchers will be donated within our     Performances will be held January 16 & 17 at 2pm.
         community.                                                      DAYS                     TIMES
                    DAYS                     TIMES                       Friday              1:30pm-3:30pm

                  Tuesdays                 12pm-3pm           Speedy Readers

         Woodcarving                                          Speedy Readers is for those looking for more

         Practice the fundamentals of woodcarving with others   reading fun. Special thanks to Stafford Suites for the
         that enjoy this hobby. Must provide your own supplies.  co-sponsorship of this program.

                                                               DATE               BOOKS                TIMES
                    DAYS                     TIMES
                                                                        The Big Burn: Teddy Roosevelt
                 Wednesdays               10am-12pm
                                                                1/15   and the  Fire that Saved America 1pm-2pm
         Fly Tying Club                                                        Timothy Egan
                                                                               Years of Wonder
         Join some angling friends and tie flies.               3/19         Geraldine Brooks         1pm-2pm
         Must provide your own supplies.
                                                              Tattered Pages Book Club
                    DAYS                     TIMES
                                                              Enjoy a monthly book discussion with other readers.
                  Tuesdays                10am-12pm           Special thanks to Cogir of Kent for their sponsorship.
                                                              See Book Club flyer for more information.
         Bring Your Own Craft                                  DATE                BOOKS                TIMES
         Join us for socializing and all things crafting. Bring                Total Garbage             1pm-
         your current project.                                  1/8          Rebecca Donnelly           2:30pm
                    DAYS                     TIMES                         The Mostly True Story of
                 Wednesdays               10am-12pm             2/6          Tanner and Louise          2:30pm
                                                                               Michael Gable
                                                                                The Lost Man             1pm-
                                                                                Jane Harper             2:30pm
                                                                                Good Omens               1pm-
                                                                         Neil Gaiman; Terry Pratchett   2:30pm

          38                                           KENT PARKS IS HIRING! Apply today at
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