Page 41 - Kent Parks Recreation Guide Winter 2024-2025
P. 41
Line Dancing Tai Chi
Drop by for a class! Registration is not FREE Join us for gentle movement activities
required. Everyone is welcome. to improve balance and reduce stress. FREE
Kent Senior Activity Center | FREE | Experience the calming effects of
Beginner mindful meditation, a key part of Tai Chi,
to help alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and
depression. Embrace wellness with us!
Mon & Thu 1:30pm-2:30pm Facilitated by Valley Cities Behavioral Health Care
and funded by the King County VSHS Levy.
Intermediate Kent Senior Activity Center | FREE |
Mon & Thu 2:35pm-3:35pm Thu 11am-12pm
Hula Dancing Indian American
Come Hula with us Monday and Friday FREE Community Services
afternoons! Hula consists of low impact
aerobics movements to Hawaiian music. Kent Pop-Up Center
Learn the Olelo, Mele and Hula from the 50th state IACS invites you to the Kent Senior Activity Center
(language, song, and dance). Pop-Up. Programs include wellness and fitness,
Kent Senior Activity Center | FREE | mental health support, fun activities, digital
DAY TIMES literacy, small business help desk, snacks, and
more. This program is supported through the
Mon & Fri 12pm-2pm King County VSHS Levy. Activities are open to all
Kent Senior Activity Center participants!
Chi Gong For more information, contact:
Come join this video-led exercise group. or 253-234-9989 (ext 3).
Meet new friends and enjoy a workout. FREE DAYS TIME
Everyone is welcome. 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month 12:30pm- 3pm
Kent Senior Activity Center | FREE |
Thu 9:30am-10:30am
Walk Away The Pounds
DVD - Walk Away The Pounds by Leslie FREE WATER WALKING
Sansone. Meet up with friends and
enjoy a workout. It isn’t just walking Come walk with us for an hour…in the pool! While
submerged in a warm water pool, participants will
around the social hall; it’s weights, walking, complete a light-intensity cardio workout that consists
stretching, etc. of walking in the water. Class is gentle on joints.
Kent Senior Activity Center | FREE | Program is open to anyone age 18 and older.
Classes are held at Water Babies,
DAY TIMES located at 17110 116th Ave SE, Renton.
Mon & Wed 9:30am-10:30am LEARN MORE ON PAGE 26!
Register for Winter programs at or call 253-856-5150