Page 2 - SBL Division of Business Fact Sheets
P. 2
Business Administration
with a major in one or two of the following
Students acquire knowledge and critical
thinking skills by focusing on the practical MANAGEMENT
application of accounting theory to Students are prepared for entry-level
problems and cases. Graduates have management positions in business,
successfully found employment as government, public service, and technical
accountants with: environments and prepare experienced
• CPA Firms managers or mid-career professionals
• Businesses wishing to advance their career.
• Government Areas of emphasis include:
• Human resource management
BUSINESS ANALYTICS • Small business management
Students use datasets to extract, • Leadership
analyze, and communicate operational • Team development
information to make data-based
decisions in professional operating
environments including: SPORT ANALYTICS
• Office Students learn to gather, organize and
• Manufacturing interpret data from athletic performance in
• Military games and practice.
• Banking Students will learn techniques for:
• Advising • Collecting data
• Other managerial professions • Categorizing it based on need
• Utilizing the information to improve
DIGITAL MARKETING athletic performance
Students apply marketing principles to Sport analytics provides students with
digital technology in order to improve applied learning experiences and skills
business and marketing decision making. focused on technology, data analytics, and
• Create digital marketing campaigns sport/human performance.
• Gain professional marketing
certifications SPORT BUSINESS
Students are prepared for positions in areas
Students develop an understanding of • Intercollegiate and interscholastic
business ventures in all phases including
conception, launch, and sustainability. athletic program
Students who graduate with this degree • Professional sport organizations
will develop skills that will prepare them • Sport sponsorship and marketing
for careers as either an: • Facility management
• Entrepreneur who establishes their • Recreation management
own business or • Entrepreneurship development
• An intrapreneur who utilizes their
innovative skills for another
organization SPORT MEDIA
Students are prepared for positions in areas
FINANCIAL PLANNING such as sports:
Students acquire a highly marketable • Journalism
skill set involving strong analytical tools • Broadcasting
and to help individuals and families reach • Media relations
financial and life goals. Potential job • Social media
opportunities for graduates include: • Information and entrepreneurship
• Certified financial planners development
• Financial analysts
• Financial managers
• Consultants
• A variety of other jobs in the banking
and finance industry
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UC Registration Form V.09.21