Page 7 - SBL Division of Business Fact Sheets
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        Financial Planning

                               B.S. Business Administration

         Duration      4 years                               Program Highlights
         Format        In-Seat
                                                                • This program is registered with the CFP(R) (Certified
         Location      Charleston                                 Financial Planner) Board and prepares students to sit
                                                                  for the CFP certification examination.

                                                                • Students will learn to effectively gather and analyze
        Program Overview                                          client data to design financial plans to help clients

                                                                  meet life goals
        This major will prepare graduates for positions
                                                                • Program is geared for careers in financial planning
        within the financial services industry, business          and advising, as well as financial analysts, financial
        administration and leadership, as well as to              managers, consultants, and a variety of jobs in the

        become a trusted financial advisor.  Students             banking industry
        will acquire a highly marketable skill set involving

        theory-based financial knowledge, strong             Program Outcomes
        analytical tools and the ability to calculate and
                                                                • Qualified financial planning jobs are expected to
        to apply critical finance-related reasoning from          increase with the number of investors seeking
        the strategic perspective. With an emphasis               professional advice also expected to increase in the

        on effective communication, critical thinking             next decade
        and decision making, the program will also build        • Career potential includes registered investment
                                                                  advisers, accounting and tax registered investment
        students’ confidence and interpersonal skills, to
                                                                  advisors, banking, credit unions, trust companies,
        make them an effective communicator.                      discount brokerage companies, wirehouse brokerages,

                                                                  life & disability insurance companies, property and
                                                                  casualty insurance companies, independent broker/
                                                                  dealers, government, academia/research


          Jacob Tenney, Ph.D., CFP®
          Assistant Professor and Director of Financial Planning        Note: Students receive a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration,
                                                                                                with a major in Financial Planning
  |  304-357-4865

          More Information
          Mor e In f orma tion
          800-995-4682  |
          800-995-4682  |  admissions@ucwv       .edu
          Students must gain general admission to the University of Charleston        
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