Page 10 - FET Bulletin - Aug - Flipbook
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2.7 Helpdesk call logging: (P, S) cont’d • Remind staff that all invoices should be sent directly
to the finance inbox by suppliers. If anyone has
Recommendations for Senior Leaders and Governors received invoices directly these should be forwarded
We understand that there will be times (due to technical
issues or genuine emergencies) where logging a call via • Principals, as named card holders, should liaise with
the online portal is not an option, in these cases please finance officers to ensure all payments are reconciled
contact your local ICT team via phone or in person and log and up to date.
the issue when you’re able to do so.
• Ensure a payment run is created and approved by
If you have any queries or questions related to call logging the 26th August to ensure that we are as up to date
system, please contact Rahil Qasim. as possible.
Office Contact: Rahil Qasim • All payments have been made to charities where funds
Telephone: 0330 383 2000 have been collected by no later than 20th August. (For
Email: Feversham this should include a full reconciliation of
the fund account).
It is important that a detailed review meeting is held with
the Finance Manager as early as possible in September to
2.8 External Audit Preparation (P, S) ensure that there are no omissions or errors included in
the reports.
Our external audit for the year ended 31st August 2020
is due to commence on the 26th October 2020. In As in previous years the Annual Statements will also need
preparation for this it is important that the finance team is to include performance results for the schools. Whilst
supported in preparing the required information and that we recognize this is not a normal year in this respect, the
requests for any missing information are responded to as detail should be that approved by the DFE.
a priority.
New for this year we would also like a statement from
The key areas which the finance officers will need your Principals reflecting on the budget over the year and
support with are detailed as follows: whether you have been able to invest in and achieve all
the objectives that you had at the beginning of the year.
• Review of commitments/unfulfilled orders to ensure This golden thread will continue into the new-year, where
any necessary system housekeeping can be completed Trustees will want to regularly reflect on how we are
prior to the audit beginning. progressing objectives through the budget investment
and what links can be drawn between directed investment
• Notification to Finance Manager of any changes to and progress.
assets on your site; including additions, disposal or
damage so that decisions can be made in respect of Another new statutory requirement, being led by our Head
accounting for these. of Estates, relates to carbon/energy efficiency reporting.
You may be contacted in due course to ascertain specific
• Any outstanding expenses to be included in the details for your site which can be included in the report.
August payroll to ensure they are captured in the
correct accounting period. As always, during this very busy period for your finance
colleagues, we appreciate your support, patience and
• A review with your finance officers of the aged debt understanding as the year end workload is completed.
(people who owe us money) report and
recommendation made to the Finance Manager Office Contact: Angela Aspinall
as to whether these remain recoverable or should be Telephone: 0330 383 2000
considered as bad debts. Email:
• Similarly a review of aged creditors to support the
resolution of any disputes that may be preventing
payment of supplier invoices.
RAG Rating: (R) Requirement (A) Recommendation (G) Note
Designation: (P) Primary schools (S) Secondary schools