Page 13 - FET Bulletin - Aug - Flipbook
P. 13
2.12 Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 (P, S) • FGM is now also included in the definition of ‘honour
based’ abuse (HBA), which involves crimes that have
The Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy is a been committed to defend the honour of the family
statutory requirement that enables our Academies and/or community, alongside forced marriage and
to set out a clear and consistent framework for breast ironing
safeguarding and promoting the welfare, both physically
and emotionally and mentally, of every pupil in line with • Handling complaints regarding staff members and
relevant safeguarding legislations and guidance, including dealing with allegations of abuse against school staff,
the DfEs ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education, ‘Working supply staff and volunteers
together to safeguard Children’ and ‘sexual violence
and sexual harassment between children in school ac • Supporting pupils with remote learning in line with the
colleges’ guidance documents. latest government guidance
On 1st September 2020 the latest version of Keeping • Updates to safer recruitment guidance – particularly
Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) will come into force. around governors and trustees.
Until then schools must continue to use and follow KCSIE
2019. This policy has been updated in line with the current Specific Safeguarding Issues:
guidance from the UK government and will be sent out
to Principals and Business Managers to be added to the In addition to mental health being cited as a specific
School Bus for staff to read in September. safeguarding issue there is also greater clarification
on Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and Child Sexual
Key updates to this policy include: Exploitation (CSE).
• The definition of safeguarding has been changed to • Staff members will have to be aware of and alert to the
include the mental and physical aspects of ‘health’ key indicators of CSE and CCE and their definitions
• Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is • Staff should receive training about CSE and CCE and
defined as: know how to identify these forms of abuse and
understand their effects on a child.
• protecting children from maltreatment;
• An updated definition of ‘Terrorism’ is included which
• preventing impairment of children’s mental and refers to this as an action that endangers or causes
physical health or development; serious violence to a person or people, property, or
electronic system, which is designed to influence the
• ensuring that children grow up in circumstances government, intimidate the public, or advance a cause.
consistent with the provision of safe and effective
care; and taking action to enable all children to The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) in each
have the best outcomes. Academy also has specific updated duties which means
they have to:
• Ensuring that staff members have due regard to
relevant data protection principles that allow them to • Act as the main point of contact with the three
share (and withhold) personal information safeguarding partners and the child death review
• Ensuring our Academies have clear systems and
processes in place for identifying possible mental • Understand when they should consider calling the
health problems in pupils, including clear routes to police, in line with the National Police Chiefs’ Council
escalate concerns and clear referral and accountability (NPCC) guidance
• Ensure the best educational outcomes by identifying
• All staff, especially the DSL and their deputies, are to at-risk pupils to their Academies and its staff, so
be aware that pupils can be at risk of abuse or that the relevant personnel understand each pupil’s
exploitation in situations outside their families (extra educational and welfare needs
familial harms)
RAG Rating: (R) Requirement (A) Recommendation (G) Note
Designation: (P) Primary schools (S) Secondary schools