Page 5 - Harvest Connect Vol 24.7
P. 5

  STEM Enrichment Tour
 Perth, Western Australia
     Day Five of the tour brought the students to the Harry Perkins Institute, one of Australia’s leading medical research facilities. They engaged in a hands-on DNA testing session where they prepared and ran their own Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) samples and then analysed them. They also went on a guided tour of the genomics and proteomics laboratories at the Institute.
Day Six started with a visit to ICRAR, the ‘International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research’. Here the students learned about the ‘Square Kilometre Array’ which the centre is developing - when finished it will be the largest radio-telescope in the world! After this they visited the Perth Zoo and, as darkness fell, they travelled to the Perth Observatory to view features of the night sky through one of the site’s telescopes and went on
guided tours of the site’s historical telescopes.
Day Seven saw the intrepid students travel safely back to South Australia.
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