P. 10


                               In   paragraph  3 2   of the  RPA  the  seller can  accept a buyer's  offer in   its  entirety o r  accept
                               suhject  to   a counter  offer o n   specific terms.  If the  seller is responding to   more than o n e
                               buyer's offer a t  the same time, the seller should use a multiple counter offer form so that th e
                               seiler will not be bound to   any particular buyer i f  more than o n e   buyer accepts the terms of
                              the multiple counter offer.  A seller is only bound by the terms of a·multiple counter offer
                              i f  the seller resigns the form after the buyer has signed an4 returned it.  If the buyer wants
                              to   respond to either a seller counter offer or a seller multiple counter offer in any way o th e r
                              than a n   outright acceptance, the buyer should d o   so o n   a buyer counter offer form.
                              Regardless  of which  counter  offer  form  is  used,  the  liquidated  damage  clause  a n d   th e
                              arbitration clause are automatically deleted from the final contract unless initialed b y   b o th
                              parties in   the body of the RPA o r   specifically referenced in   o n e   of the counter offer terms.
                              I f  the price for the property is being changed, the buyer's down payment and loan a m o u n t
                              automatically adjust to the same percentage of the new purchase price as they were to   th e
                              old purchase price in the original offer. The buyer o r  seller does not have to calculate th e
                              amounts as part of the counter offer terms.

                              In   paragraph  lC  of any  of the  counter  offer  forms,  the  party  issuing  the  counter  offer
                              specifies the terms of the contract that are being changed o r  added. lt is helpful to n u m h c r
                              the  items  in  the  counter  offer  and  to  specifically reference the-clause  in   the  RPA  o r  a
                              previous counter offer that is being modified. In   order for the counter offer to   result in   a
                              binding agreement, the person making the counter offer must sign  it  a n d   deliver it  to   th e
                              other party.  The other party then must sign and return it  to   the person making the counter,
                              o r  that  person's  authorized  agent  specifically  identified  in   the  counter  offer  form.  T h e
                              signing in   and of itself by the person receiving the counter offer does n o t  create a binding
                              contract.  And,  as  stated  above,  i f   the  seller is  issuing a multiple counter  offer, the  seller
                              must  sign  a second  time  a n d   return  the  twice-signed multiple  counter  offer back to   th e
                              buyer o r   identified agent.  All of this must happen within the time specified.

                              If the  seller has  received  offers  from  more than  one  buyer,  rather than  issuing  multiple
                              counter  offers  to   each  buyer the  seller wn ts to  respond to,  the  seller may  counter th e m
                              sequentially, putting one  in   primary position and the others in   back u p   position.  I f   this is
                              done, the BUO form should be included.

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