P. 11

ADDENDA         229

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     t .            C  A S S   O C     I   A  T  N    I O    I  A    SELLER COUNTER OFFER  N o .  - - - -
                          I F o  R
      f  &
                                                         a.ay not be used as a  multiple counter offer.

                                                                 (CA,R. Fonn SCO, 11/14)
                                                       ·-  -
     t_ .'      ;.o     :   . .   : :   : :      ,w:._· .c .Aw· -            Date - --:=-::=------:c:-=:::--,,,.-
      [:  This is   a counter offer to the:  D California Residential Purchase Agreement  D Buyer Counter Offer N  o . _ ,   o r  D Other_·  _ _    ("Offer'),
        dated                , o n   property kriown  as  - -  = --:-,..--:c ::-, - - - -  - - - -  -  - - - -  - -  -  ("Property"),
        between  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    -  -  :  ("Buyer")  and  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    ("Seller").
        1.   TERMS.: The terms and conditions of the  above referenced document are accepted subject to   the following:
           A.  Paragraphs In the Offer that 1"!9Uire initials by a H   £.1!..T!!, but are not 1,!l!!Iillg by a.II     are excluded from the final
              agreement unless speciflcally referenced for inclusfon in paragripli"fc ottnls-or'i"lfcStnefe6unter Offer or an addendum.
           B .   Unless otherwise agreed in writing, down payment and loan amount(s) will be adjusted In the same proportion as In the
              orlglnal Offer.
           C.  OTHER TERMS:              .,.
                                      ¥ ;;< > \

           D. The following attached addenda are lncorpo  '  · ' ' to this Seller Counter offer: D Addendum No.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _
             D          .       .         .  i  . . .   ;        . ·    D   .            .
        2.  EXPIRATION: This Seller Counter Offer shall be  ·      •··   _-r-·   and   !
                                                                osits,  if any,  shall be  returned:
          A.   Unless b y   5:00pm o n   the third Day After the d ·  · '   is   s i   in   p   p h   3 (if more than  one signature then, the  last signature
              date)(or by  _ _    D A M    D PM o n   _ _    (date)) {i) it is   signi!c;\   p h   4 by Buyer and (ii) a copy of the signed Seller Counter
                                                   .  "
              Offer is   personally received b y   Seller or       . .       , who  is  authorized to receive it
        OR  B.  If Seller withdraws it in   writing (CAR Fo,m WOO) anytime p   ccep
           Seller _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    .  ,  c  _  _  " " ' 1   L  . ' . i i   r - - - " I ; '   - - - - -  Date _ _ _ _    _
           Seller        .   ·       ·       ·       · .  ·       ' l r - - " . " ¾  : A  - - - - -  Dafe  _ _ _    _
        4.  ACCEPTANCE: I/WE accept the above Seller Counter Offer (If checked D SUBJ  TO THE   CHED  COUNTER OFFER) and
           acknowledge receipt of a Copy.                :         ·  ·      •
           Buyer                                       _            Date     )• Time  _ _ _ _ _    AM/PM
           Buyer                                .    . ·            Date  ·   ,   · :     e  ·  AMJPM
        CONFIRMATION OF ACCEPTANCE:                                     A'.  -:. -  , _  ,   --,
                                                                      .,,   _ ,,   ' \
       L  _ _ _ J   _c____J  (Initials) Confirmation of  Acceptance: A Copy of Signed Accepiance  rially  received b  Seller, or Seller's autho-
       rized agent as specified in   paragraph 2A o n   (date)   .   . .   .   at _ f =  . L    AM/PM. A binding Agreement Is created
                                                          . ·
       when a Copy of Signed Acceptan   Is persona!ly received by Seller or Seller's autti"orized agent whether' or not confirmed in this
       document.                          ·

        [ 1  Published  and Distributed by;
             REAL ESTATE  BUSINESS SERVICES, INC.                                            -
             a subsidiary  of the CalifOmia Associalion of REALTORS•
             525 South Virgil Avenue,  Los  Angeles,  Cafiforma 90020   I  Reviewed  by  _  _  _  Date _  _     _   OPPGRm    I
        s e c   11/14 (PAGE 1 OF 1)  Print Date
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