Page 200 - New Agent Binder
P. 200

How to sign into Zip Form;


               Zip Forms - Make template, learn how to fill n completed documents and save.

               If agent is working with Mentor, then mentor agent to have mentor review all offers
               prior to being submitted to listing side. Once offer is accepted, again have mentor review
               to ensure all items are completed and associate documents.

               Provide copy of checklist for Purchase to assist new agent in what forms need to be
               completed for which contract.

               Emd, advise agents they are NEVER to handle the check under any circumstances. The
               funds are to be wired to escrow by buyer, send to escrow, or buyer can deliver in person
               to escrow.

               Make a folder on your desktop to file all documents in or put in Goggle Drive and then
               make a folder in your Gmail with name of property; Example, Olive 1234.

               Once offer is accepted, the following items are to be sent to the Transaction Coordinator
               in 48 hours of accepted offer. AD, RPA, Trust Doc if applicable.

               To open escrow, send the following items via email to escrow:

                   •  Fully executed contract
                   •  Names of all parties to the transaction and Transaction Coordinator. Lender,
                       Agents on the other side of transaction. If property is in an HOA, name the HOA
                       and contact information
                   •  Name the home warranty company
                   •  Termite Company
                   •  If solar, then provide solar information.

               Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) yourself and your Transaction Coordinator on the email to

               Have Mentor give a list of disclosures needed for Buyer's signature.
               Agent to complete AVID immediately as this will hold up the transaction and extend the
               time period, of not submitted with in inspection period.

               Mark a calendar with dates and timelines for:
               loan submission
               loan approval
               inspection timelines
               Contingency removal
               VP and close of escrow.
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