Page 22 - 14 Later English Reformers
P. 22
The work accomplished by these men,
proscribed and outlawed by the rulers of this
world, can never perish. Flavel's Fountain of
Life and Method of Grace have taught
thousands how to commit the keeping of
their souls to Christ. Baxter's Reformed
Pastor has proved a blessing to many who
desire a revival of the work of God, and his
Saints’ Everlasting Rest has done its work in
leading souls to the “rest” that remaineth for
the people of God.
A hundred years later, in a day of great
spiritual darkness, Whitefield and the
Wesleys appeared as light bearers for God.
Under the rule of the established church the
people of England had lapsed into a state of
religious declension hardly to be
distinguished from heathenism. Natural
religion was the favorite study of the clergy,