Page 17 - 14 Later English Reformers
P. 17
Pharaoh, whose subjects they long were, I
pray you, madam, what religion would there
have been in the world? Or if all men in the
days of the apostles had been of the religion
of the Roman emperors, what religion would
there have been upon the face of the earth? ...
And so, madam, ye may perceive that
subjects are not bound to the religion of their
princes, albeit they are commanded to give
them obedience.”
Said Mary: “Ye interpret the Scriptures in one
manner, and they [the Roman Catholic
teachers] interpret in another; whom shall I
believe, and who shall be judge?”
“Ye shall believe God, that plainly speaketh in
His word,” answered the Reformer; “and
farther than the word teaches you, ye neither
shall believe the one nor the other. The word
of God is plain in itself; and if there appear