Page 14 - 14 Later English Reformers
P. 14

suddenly  awakening  to  the  danger  that

               threatened their cause, brought to the stake

               some of the noblest and most honored of the

               sons of Scotland. They did but erect a pulpit,

               from  which  the  words  of  these  dying

               witnesses  were  heard  throughout  the  land,

               thrilling  the  souls  of  the  people  with  an

               undying  purpose  to  cast  off  the  shackles  of


               Hamilton  and  Wishart,  princely  in  character

               as  in  birth,  with  a  long  line  of  humbler

               disciples, yielded up their lives  at the  stake.

               But  from  the  burning  pile  of  Wishart  there

               came  one  whom  the  flames  were  not  to

               silence, one who under God was to strike the

               death knell of popery in Scotland.

               John  Knox  had  turned  away  from  the

               traditions  and  mysticisms  of  the  church,  to

               feed upon the truths of God's word; and the
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