Page 9 - 14 Later English Reformers
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but  the  weapons  which  he  prepared  have

               enabled  other  soldiers  to  do  battle  through

               all the centuries even to our time.

               Latimer maintained from the pulpit that the

               Bible ought to be read in the language of the

               people. The Author of Holy Scripture, said he,

               “is God Himself;” and this Scripture partakes

               of the might and eternity of its Author. “There

               is no king, emperor, magistrate, and ruler ...

               but are bound to obey ... His holy word.” “Let

               us not take any bywalks, but let God's word

               direct  us:  let  us  not  walk  after  ...  our

               forefathers,  nor  seek  not  what  they  did,  but

               what  they  should  have  done.”—Hugh

               Latimer, “First Sermon Preached Before King

               Edward VI.”

               Barnes  and  Frith,  the  faithful  friends  of

               Tyndale,  arose  to  defend  the  truth.  The

               Ridleys and Cranmer followed. These leaders
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