Page 6 - 14 Later English Reformers
P. 6

God's laws than the pope's.” Tyndale replied:

               “I defy the pope and all his laws; and if God

               spare my life,  ere many  years  I  will cause  a

               boy  that  driveth  the  plow  to  know  more  of

               the  Scripture  than  you  do.”—Anderson,

               Annals of the English Bible, page 19.

               The purpose which he had begun to cherish,

               of  giving  to  the  people  the  New  Testament

               Scriptures  in  their  own  language,  was  now

               confirmed,  and  he  immediately  applied

               himself to the work. Driven from his home by

               persecution, he went to London, and there for

               a  time  pursued  his  labors  undisturbed.  But

               again the violence of  the  papists forced  him

               to  flee.  All  England  seemed  closed  against

               him,  and  he  resolved  to  seek  shelter  in

               Germany.  Here  he  began  the  printing  of  the

               English New Testament. Twice the work was

               stopped; but when forbidden to print in one
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