Page 21 - 22 The Glories of the New Jerusalem
P. 21
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
consuming glory would have slain all. In the
New Jerusalem, there is no veil, no temple; but
God and Christ are the light of it. The veiling of
Jehovah’s glory is likewise typified by the sun
and moon in our own heavens. The light of
these bodies seems intense to mortal eyes; but
in the new earth, the sun will shine with a light
seven times brighter than to-day and the
moon will be as our sun. Even then, their light
is hidden by the glory of celestial rays. Day and
night, that light of life shines forth throughout
eternity. This light causes spiritual life, just as
our sunshine makes the earth to bring forth
and bud.
The glory is not wholly confined to the city; for
the earth itself is Eden restored. The
redeemed have houses outside the city. The