Page 17 - 22 The Glories of the New Jerusalem
P. 17


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               the  story  of  joy  and  peace  in  the  Lord.  The

               eleventh  is  the  purple  of  royalty,  crowned

               with  the  purity  of  the  amethyst.”  The

               foundation,  composed  entirely  of  precious

               stones,  is  beautiful  beyond  description;  but

               besides  this,  it  is  ornamented,  or  garnished,

               with all manner of precious stones.

               Stones  have  voices,  although  they  speak  in

               tones  seldom  heard  by  men.  Christ  told  His

               disciples that if men held their peace, the very

               stones would cry out. The story which they tell

               is the old, old story; and as they form the walls

               of the New Jerusalem, and the glory of Christ

               and the Father shines on them, they will not

               meet the eye with a dull, lusterless surface, but

               with  a  glory  known  only  in  the  purity  of  a

               spiritual world. Inanimate nature partook of
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