Page 12 - 22 The Glories of the New Jerusalem
P. 12
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
fullness of God’s love; and the Omega, the final
completion, which rising above the fall, and
having banished every trace of sin, sits as King
of kings, surrounded by subjects who are
better able to appreciate the spiritual nature
of Jehovah and His kingdom than they could
have been, had sin never entered. This is
infinite love, the character of our God and His
Christ. And above all, as the most supreme
manifestation of that love, is the promise that
he that overcometh through Christ, shall
inherit all these things. The new earth is not
awarded like charity gifts, parceled out to the
poor of earth; it is not bought, but men are
born into the family of God, and as joint heirs
with Jesus Christ, they receive the new earth
as an inheritance. Christ spoke to Nicodemus