Page 8 - 22 The Glories of the New Jerusalem
P. 8
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
Jews had the privilege of making their city the
house of Jehovah. They failed, and Christ
ascended to heaven, there, to prepare a city,
the New Jerusalem, as the capital of the
universal kingdom. The New Jerusalem will be
located on the precise spot where the city
once stood. The Mount of Olives parts
asunder, one half moving to the north, and one
half to the south; and on the great plain
between the peaks, the capital of the new
earth will rest. Christ’s mission to the earth
was to save that which was lost. Sin robbed
man of the beauties of Eden; sin defeated the
plans for the Jews; and what man might have
done, but did not do because of evil, Christ
does through the power of His love. In spite of
the delay caused by sin, the final triumph will