Page 4 - 00 Introduction
P. 4
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
not a homeless stranger, but in power and
great glory, to punish his enemies and reward
his followers. “A voice has cried in the
wilderness, ‘Behold the Lamb of God;’ a voice
will soon proclaim from heaven, ‘Behold the
Lion of the tribe of Judah!’”
Scenes of glory surpassing fable are unvailed
before us in this book. Appeals of unwonted
power bear down upon the impenitent from
its sacred pages in threatenings of judgment
that have no parallel in any other portion of
the book of God. Consolation which no
language can describe is here given to the
humble followers of Christ in this lower world,
in glorious views of Him upon whom help for
them has been laid, — Him who has the key of
David, who holds his ministers in his own
right hand, who, though he was once dead, is