Page 5 - 00 Introduction
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~The Response of History to the Revelation~
now alive forevermore, and assures us that
he is the triumphant possessor of the keys of
death and of the grave, and who has given to
every overcomer the multiplied promise of
walking with him in white, having a crown of
life, partaking of the fruit of the tree of life
which grows in the midst of the paradise of
God, and being raised up to sit with him upon
his own glorious throne. No other book takes
us at once, and so irresistibly, into another
sphere. Long vistas are here opened before us,
which are bounded by no terrestrial objects,
but carry us forward into other worlds. And if
ever themes of thrilling and impressive
interest, and grand and lofty imagery, and
sublime and magnificent description, can
invite the attention of mankind, then the
Revelation invites us to a careful study of its
pages, which urge upon our notice the