Page 25 - 19 Be Ye Separate
P. 25


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               This message from God, the Great Shepherd,

               comes from heaven, and souls respond. To the

               Jews in Babylon, the same call was given and

               those  who  were  true to  Jehovah,  fled  to the

               mountains, that they might not be partakers of

               her impending destruction. Some had lived so

               long  in  the  city,  that  they  hesitated  about

               leaving.  Lot  had  sons  and  daughters  who

               would  not  leave  Sodom;  and  the  family  ties

               were  so  strong  that  Lot’s  wife,  the  mother,

               turned to look back, and destruction overtook

               her. The loud cry will cause many a heartache;

               will lead to the severance of many a fond tie.

               Husbands  will  have  to  decide  whether  they

               will  cling  to  their  families,  and  remain  in

               spiritual Sodom, or whether they will heed the

               voice  from  heaven.  Mothers  will  have  the
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