Page 29 - 19 Be Ye Separate
P. 29


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               and  God  comes  down  to  reward  her  double

               according to her works.

               As the ancient city of Babylon was overthrown

               because she forsook the way of life, so modern

               Babylon  dies.  None  need  partake  of  her

               plagues; for all had an opportunity to separate

               from her midst. God is to-day making up His

               spiritual  kingdom.  His  subjects  are  on  the

               earth, and by the strong magnet of His love He

               is drawing to Himself all who prefer a spiritual

               life to one of earth.

               The  story  of  Babylon  the  city,  and  again  of

               Babylon  the  church,  is  the  picture  divinely

               given of a worldly life under the dominion of

               the power of the prince of this world. The little

               church, hidden from trouble during these last
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