Page 6 - 19 Be Ye Separate
P. 6


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               no  widow,  and  shall  see  no  sorrow.”  God

               claimed  the  church  as  His  wife,  but  she

               forsook  her  lawful  husband,  and  played  the

               harlot with the  kings of the earth. Then she

               said  boastingly,  “I  sit  a  queen.”  This  was

               literally true of the city of Babylon, which was

               known as the queen of the earth. But in the

               same proportion that she had highly exalted

               herself,  so  was  her  fall,  when  the  Lord

               withdrew  His  supporting  hand.  God  never

               intended  that  the  church  should  have

               anything to do with governments. His life on

               earth is a living example of what His followers

               should do and be. He reigned over a spiritual

               kingdom, when physically He had not a place

               to  lay  His  head;  He  was  clothed  with  the

               garments of righteousness, spotless and pure,
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