Page 10 - 04 A New Vision - The Heavenly Sanctuary
P. 10
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 4 – A New Vision: The Heavenly Sanctuary
numbered with the illustrious multitude
which he led up from the captivity of Death’s
dark domain when he ascended in triumph on
high. Matthew records their resurrection, Paul
their ascension, and John beholds them in
heaven, performing the sacred duties which
they were raised up to accomplish.
In this view we are not alone. Wesley speaks
as follows concerning the four and twenty
elders: “Clothed in white raiment.] This, and
their golden crowns, show that they had
already finished their course, and taken their
places among the citizens of heaven. They are
never termed souls, and hence it is probable
that they had glorified bodies already.
Compare Matthew 27:52.”
The particular attention of the reader is asked
to the fact that the four and twenty elders are