Page 5 - 04 A New Vision - The Heavenly Sanctuary
P. 5


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                             Chapter 4 – A New Vision: The Heavenly Sanctuary
                   John  had  a  vision  upon  the  Sabbath,  or

               Lord’s day. If it there expressed the state of

               being in vision, it would denote the same thing

               here; and consequently the first vision ended

               with  chapter  3,  and  a  new  one  is  here

               introduced. Nor is it any objection to this view

               that John, previous to this, as is learned from

               the first verse of this chapter, was in such a

               spiritual state as to be able to look up and see

               a door opened in heaven, and to hear a voice,

               like the mighty sound of a trumpet, calling him

               up to a nearer prospect of heavenly things. It

               is  evident  that  there  may  be  such  states  of

               ecstasy independent of vision, just as Stephen,

               full of the Holy Ghost, could look up and see

               the heavens opened, and the Son of man on the

               right hand of God. To be in the Spirit denotes

               a  still  higher  state  of  spiritual  elevation.  On
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