Page 33 - The Chosen People
P. 33
“The people of Israel will be like refreshing
dew sent by the Lord to the nations, like
showers on sprouting plants that don’t come
at the request of man or wait for his desire”
(Micah 5:7, The Clear Word).
“I will bless thee; …and thou shalt be a
blessing” (Genesis 12:2).
“Christ was continually receiving from the
Father that He might communicate to us… Not
for Himself, but for others, He lived and
thought and prayed” {COL 139.1}. And as
God’s chosen people, we are blessed to be a
blessing. We should seek the blessing and
favor of God upon our lives not for ourselves,
but to be channels of God’s blessings flowing
into the lives of others around us. Our walk
with God should become so attractive to
others that we create within them a thirst for
what we have in our relationship with God.
The light of God in our lives should continually
radiate out to those with whom we come in