Page 43 - 02 The Seven Churches
P. 43
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 2 – The Seven Churches
church, no amount of labor, charity, service,
faith, or patience could compensate for a like
sin. A rebuke is therefore given them for
suffering in their midst —
That Woman Jezebel. — As in the preceding
church Antipas denoted, not an individual, but
a class of persons, so, doubtless, Jezebel is
here to be understood in the same sense.
Watson’s Bible Dictionary says, “The name of
Jezebel is used proverbially. Revelation 2:20.”
William Miller, Lectures, p. 142, speaks as
follows: —
“Jezebel is a figurative name, alluding to
Ahab’s wife, who slew the prophets of the
Lord, led her husband into idolatry, and fed
the prophets of Baal at her own table. A more
striking figure could not have been used to
denote the papal abominations. (See 1 Kings,