Page 45 - 02 The Seven Churches
P. 45


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 2 – The Seven Churches
                   from the Searcher of “the reins and hearts”

               of  all  men  will  be  given.  And  further,  the

               declaration, “I will give unto every one of you

               according  to  your  works,”  is  proof  that  the

               address  to  this  church  looks  forward

               prophetically  to  the  final  reward  or

               punishment of all accountable beings.

               And All the Churches Shall Know, etc. — It has

               been argued from this expression that these

               churches  could  not  denote  seven  successive

               periods  of  the  gospel  age,  but  must  exist

               contemporaneously,  as  otherwise  all  the

               churches could not know that Christ was the

               searcher of the reins and hearts from seeing

               his judgments upon Jezebel and her children.

               But when is it that all the churches are to know

               this? — It is when these children are punished

               with death. And if this is at the time when the
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