Page 2 - 00B A Word tot he Reader
P. 2


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

                                   A WORD TO THE READER

               The history of this world is fast closing. Events

               are taking place, in the physical, political, and

               spiritual world, which show that we are living

               in  a  crisis  such  as  has  never  been  since  the

               creation of this world. The voice of innocent

               blood crieth from the ground. The nations are

               angry. Not one nation, but all the nations of

               earth,               look             forward                  with             fearful

               apprehensions to what is coming.

               The  prophet,  in  view  of  this  time,  exclaims,

               “Watchman,  what  of  the  night?  Watchman,

               what of the night?” The watchman said, “The

               morning  cometh  and  also  the  night,”-the

               glorious  morn  of  salvation  that  will  bring

               deliverance to the people of God, and the night

               of  eternal  death  to  those  who  reject  the
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