Page 3 - 00B A Word tot he Reader
P. 3


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               repeated warnings given in the Word of God.

               Through John on the Isle of Patmos, the Lord

               lifts the veil, and lets us see the history of the

               church in its relation to the world. Seven times

               the  prophet  exhorts  all  who  have  an  ear,  to

               hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

               We  invite  all  to  a  careful  perusal  of  the

               contents of this book, with the prayer that God

               will impress minds by His Holy Spirit. It is not

               the  design of the  writer  of the  “Story of the

               Seer  of  Patmos”  to  arouse  discussion  and

               awaken controversy upon theoretical points,

               but to tell the truth as it is in Jesus Christ.

               The book is written in a narrative style, and

               the  symbols  are  explained  by  the  marginal

               references, so that the reader will readily find

               a mine of rich treasure in the book. The entire
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